Who thinks this is rediculuos?

okay surrounded by vogue class we have to come up beside a continet we would lik to display our clothes from and this one gir suggested europe... so i dont know anybody in that class and i try to brand name a short time humor by clich?? europeon women are furred.. and one of the girls is europeon and she turns around and say she is soo affenede and this stupuid girl is more or less ot cry.. so the subsequent daytime she tell the councelor i be anyone racist.. when surrounded by the first place i have no model she be europeon so i dont know how i be mortal racist towards her and ony her....

what do u give the name that. what can i bring up to date that girll what she acting lik>?? i give attention to this is rediculous i might gain suspened for this. if i dont apologize. but why should i?

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simply appoloigize and bring up to date her that you did not know she be europeon and that you be simply trying to be humorous. and hopefully she will adopt it.

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i have a sneaking suspicion that u should try discussion to her. agree to her know that u r sorry for what u said, and u honestly didnt know she be european. purely agree to her know that it wont come up again and that u truly arent racist.

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Apologize simply if you show it. But I hail as that ignorance. Ignorance on your cog for man inconsiderate of others and lumping everyone in a classification. So yes, it is somewhat racist.
And I also guess you necessitate some give support to on spelling which also shows ignorance.

Grow up and realize that not adjectives European women are woolly, but that several are more delicate than American women. Knowing copious European women who shave their legs and pits freshly similar to Americans and also are blonde and f??te skinned.

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First,draw from out of fad class and return with into spelling class.Never say aloud anything that could insult anybody.You never know who is who.

y is this so?

Your statement be incorrect, though not DIRECTLY racist.

Not adjectives European countries hold woolly bodies... however, the French are renown for that.. and probably some other low-grade mentioned countries.

Your statement would be racist if you said:

"European women are furred, That make them inferior to American Women"

You simply stated a somewhat incorrect reality.

A word that you could recount that girl she is one?
and also
You could detail her that she should give somebody a lift pride within her culture and right to be heard something approaching Hell Yah Were Hairy and We close to It you stupid American c-nt! it would enjoy to be within a cockney articulation.

I would apologize for your own devout... but you dont own to receive them surface as if they won - be somewhat detatched but not too blatantly incincere

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Europe is a big place near various cultures. Many of Americans own some European derivation, so you could've confidently sensitive lots of folks surrounded by your class. Many of those cultures DO enjoy woolly women. That's adjectives in attendance is to it. Apparently, not a soul else be annoyed but this one student and I assume she is extremely over-reacting. I enjoy found out down through the years, usually the one yell "racist" IS the racist. You didn't do anything wrong. But...it wont hurt to read aloud your sorry, you be the bigger human being. It'll exceed, (I would've giggled)

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Even if you don't perceive approaching you should, I construe you should consider a common apology. For example: " I'm sorry I sulky you, I have no notion you be European. I would never intentionally enjoy touchy you, or anyone else, nor would I own be so disrespectful." This ought to cover any entry the don or command feel you did wrong. It also let the girl know you are a respectful, friendly individual. I yearning you luck, and hope you may in reality spawn some friends as a result of the apology.

Why why why?

I wouldn't speak you be one racist but, I surmise you should apologize. This girl conceivably going through a difficult time and your remark only set her bad.

Who know you might of late label a friend from adjectives of this.

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I construe this is simply an example of someone person overly sensitive. People presume that they should never be sulky or the world is coming to an ending.

Maybe a passageway to fiddle with this would be to say-so something resembling "I'm sorry I sulky you but I didn't realize that you be allergic to humor"

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You would probably be offfended if she'd said that American women are manly -- though nearby may be a judge of truth contained by it.

Basically, you did build a statement which be grossly loathsome and probably could be construed as racist.

Withdraw your statement, aplogize and find on beside duration.

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