Strange odor "down there".?

I enjoy have it for a while, and although you can't really smell it when i own pant on, my underwear reek of it. I don't contemplate it is a yeast infection because i don't enjoy an itch or anything but I do enjoy a fishy smell. Is at hand any products that I can get hold of at my local drug store to sustain? Thanks

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It's call bacterial Vaginosis. See your doctor for the antibiotics to cure it.

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See you GYN

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The fishy odor is a describe parable sign of bacterial vaginosis, which is adjectives and not serious, but you still have need of to see your doctor nearly it. Treatment is usually a round of antibiotics, so your doctor will inevitability to write you a prescription.

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the fishy odor is probably an ifection youve have and its gotten should see your gyn right away.
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