Can I get pregnant if I had sex while I was still in my period?

I've be reaction a bit naucious for 3 days after I have sex? Is that a sign of pregnancy?

Girls HELP, within's somthing wrong near my spell! should i turn to the ER???

You can carry pregnant at anytime. The sperm can survive surrounded by your body until your geared up.

clit quiz?

it would be relatively unusual.

it's irregular you will consistency any symptoms simply 3 days after if you be pregnant. sounds similar to you're emotion how i do when i'm on my spell. also, the flu is going around again.

During the time of the time of year does walking relieves menstrual cramps?

You can bring pregnant, even during your extent, lately as long as and egg is near. It's unusual, but an egg can be near and it can capture fertilized. I would embezzle a pregnancy interview if you devise you are pregnant.

GIRLSpls !!?

It is possible but difficult to seize pregnant on your extent.

Does breast reduction stall menstrual period?

That's an interesting query.....
Hmmm, I would assum it's fairly extraordinary,
But not impossible.


Help please! my sis surrounded by trouble?


Getting rid of UTI yourself?

you can get hold of pregnent at any time as long as you own have ur first extent

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