I have really bad pains in ym stomache it hurts so bad and i skipped my period this month?

what could it be the pains are really unpromising and tehre past its sell-by date and on and how can i stop them support?

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Could the discomfort be cramps primary up to your term? How long ago did you miss it? I would definetly go to a doctor ASAP.

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First of adjectives, are you pregnant or any possibility of getting pregnant?

If the above is not valid, it might be PMS (pre-menses symptoms) since you mentioned going on for skipped length... you might want to try taking some primrose grease to relief lessen the PMS, it does assist for me. Or have some camomile tea is accurate as ably.

Or try using a heat up towel and place it over your stomache to sooth the aching and after that.. of late calmly rub the stomache contained by a circular motion surrounded by clockwise and anti-clockwise direction (around 10 to 15 times for respectively direction) to rearrange the blood circulation (would be better if you do this next to some suitable rubbing grease or chafe grease applied on the stomache). After doing these, ensure that the stomache is not exposed (can cover near blanket or dry towel) for the subsequent 1 to 3 hrs to ensure no loop get into the stomache which might raison d`??tre bloating and uncomfort. This can be done up to that time sleep to lessen down movement.

Stress can be a mete out for deferment of term as ably, do unwind yourself and try some gaping breathing exercise / yoga / anything that can back you relax your mind and body.

If the throbbing is unusual or really unacceptable, it is still best to see a doctor for suggestion. Take consideration.
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