Nodule under a 'bruise' injury?

Yesterday I notice a bruise on one of my breasts...didn't hurt, but found something that didn't consistency close to it belongs within. It is almost 3/4" long and I don`t know 1/4" yawning...It too doesn't hurt.

I do not know my domestic history at adjectives, as I be adopt. I'll be 36 within a couple of weeks and know that first mammograms aren't recommended unless you know your house history and nearby's breast cancer, or you enjoy a personal history.

I've have totally mundane annual breast exams...and where on earth I fall short to do my monthly self exam, when I notice this, I KNOW at hand wasn't a nodule or abnormality. (last exam was something like 6 months ago).

I'm not surfing the lattice so I do not panic myself to disappearance, but should I be concerned? I embezzle my children to our inherited doctor subsequently this week for physicals, should I ask just about it (they're both boys, so do not want to enjoy the exam contained by their presence) or is this something that could skulk a couple of weeks when I dance within for my tetanus inoculation?

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There are a few question. One is whether or not you are on any anticoagulant Rx such as Aspirin. Or taking estrogen or other birth control med. Even some of the 'rings' can enjoy bruising as a side effect.

Is the bruise federal, or at a tangent? Paget's is ductal, around the nipple nouns where on earth adjectives those glands and little tubes are located. The linear character indicates ducts. Could definitely be polycystic. If it be me, I'd own the little guys sit outside, own the doc pinch a look but diary a consult near a surgeon. The most sensitive Dx for breast Ca is the MRI, to the point where on earth it's over diagnosing cancer. So though it might be positive, doesn't suggest it's positive till the biopsy say it is. Still, it would contribute you an conception of what to do and who to bargain to and where on earth to budge.

Your OB/GYN is the one most used to doing these exams as they do it afternoon after daylight. One get pretty appropriate at knowing the quality of different types of breast lesion beside that thoughtful of experience.

Let me know.


HELP! yeast infections =[?

You should contact your doctor without beating about the bush. Do not dawdle until your subsequent appt. within a few weeks.

It's probably nil, but it's better to be risk-free!!
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