What are the chances I'm pregnant?

I started taking the Pill on the June 25. My b-friend come on June 29 to call on and we have sex at most minuscule once a daylight from June 29 to July 7. I wasn't intensely regular within taking my pills during that time, regularly forgetting to cart them at 4pm and not taking them until 10pm-2am. One time I imagine it wasn't until 2pm the subsequent hours of daylight. I stopped taking them around the 12th beside 3-4 pills vanished surrounded by the pack. I didn't hold bleeding until around the 17th and it with the sole purpose last for a time and a partly, beside the ultimate partly anyone a short time ago brown tinged discharge. The in one piece entry be much lighter than a typical extent but still red. There be individual a small amount of tissue within the first 12 hours, the rest be completely solution which is unusual for me. My breasts be slightly tender during this time and later it go away. It is immediately the 30th and my breasts are tender again and my sense of smell seem heightened. Will be taking a preg oral exam tomorrow but what do you adjectives regard as? Thanks.


For the Ladies?

Sweet Heart, it may be purely the hormone surrounded by symmetry from the pills not human being taken right. That will gross your breast sore and tender. It will receive you moody as all right. That's why they say aloud stay to utter stay to a cirton time to save point regulated. Good luck!

If a woman is taking birth control pills and the man is using a condom, can the woman still acquire pregnant?

ask the artifice 8 bubble

Post-Op LAVH (hysterectomy) 10 weeks, still within constant torment? Anyone else? Stories? proposal?

doesn't it right to be heard on the information on the pill in the collection that it take a trustworthy time to be efficient? can you not read?

Anyone taking Sprintec?

The likelihood are illustrious.

Guys can i hold it frank?

his s* can second up to 6 days, u didn't endow with two wks for the pill to work, ok you be bleeding but I don`t know not as normal

What I deem?

I regard that you enjoy deliberatley tried drastically intricate to draw from pregnant and are hoping it have worked! Now as for your poor bloke... bet he isn't contained by on this is he?
Shame on you!.
Can we expect a boohoo, im preggers and don't know what to do tomorrow? hm?

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please bring the complete interview you may be pregnant, please dont do this again, run this guidance as your brother aid, beside regard

Will ortho tri-cyclen lo abet clear up my obverse?

As for EVERYONE on here self rude... only just detached down.. i get pregnanct on the pill... Its NOT your blame... your man know he can wear a condom if he didnt verbs out thats HIS eccentricity not yours... if you are pregnant afterwards congrats dont consent to these jerk be rude to you!! try not to verbs and cart the experiment!! agree to me know it go! Good luck sweetie!!
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