OMG IM SO SCARED plz help!?

okay so i enjoy never have sex.
my boyfriend and i would
"mess" around but he never would stick his finger in me
he would merely rub.

he have come nearly 4 times maybe
but that be because a h.a.n.d livelihood.
and afterwords we wouldnt do anything.

so i cant be pregnant

but on saturday i go to the river for the firs time and the wet be rime cold.
for 3 days i have sore rock-hard nipples.

later darkness, i drank alcohol beside my parents.
today i woke up, no suspend over =D
i enjoy sore breast.
which i own gotten b4 my spell for a while
but my time isnt due for 10 or 11 days.


i own gone poop close to 3 times.

and i quality gassy

and i newly dont have a feeling well

whats going on? im so scared

I hold not long finnished my term but hold very soon come put a bet on on again 8/9 days subsequently.i'm 29 yrs ancient whats wrong?

Okay, after the mitt profession, did his or your foot progress anywhere in close proximity your vagina? If so, in attendance is a slight occasion of pregnancy. Very slight. If you are still worried, capture yourself checked out. Or buy a pregnancy paraphernalia and check it out yourself.

Sometimes nipples a moment ago hurt and are sturdy - sometimes rough handling by your boyfriend or even a bra can rationale irritation. Don't verbs roughly speaking it, it will budge away. If not want medical direction.

As for the drinking alcohol, how much did you drink? Why would your parents allow you to drink so much that you capture drunk? 1 chalice should not effect you any problems, but it could be alcoholic poisoning - get hold of yourself checked out.

Pooping 3 times, sentiment gassy, not inkling in good health, - could be a gastric virus or possibly you picked up something fromthe river. Could also be related to the verbs you own around the pregnanacy (the body does some strange things when you panic) - Definitely find medical counsel from a doctor who will examine you and tender you information you requirement.

Seems to me that you want to turn to a doctor.

I requirement counsel for shipment loss beside PCOS. No meds at the time.?

Sounds to me similar to, your pregnant.Go to the doctor, and own a oral exam done.

I focus it's a yeast infection but I'm not sure.?

Well if you go swimming in the river, you might enjoy picked up a parasite to be precise cause your gas and diarrhea symptoms. I wouln't verbs more or less the sexual contact you described - it sounds resembling you hold no risk factor for any std.

how come some girl enjoy big breast and some other own smaller?

Not to verbs at the most you hold a viral stomach infection from the sounds of it. Also verbs Can put in to the effect. You should be fine soon. Good luck!

i cant orgasm!?

stop messing around. use condoms. practice secure sex. don't drink if you are not of legitimate age. remember it is the choices you brand name that determine your existence's course. As for individual alarmed and the sore nipples - segment of individual a young-looking teen. if it continues see a doctor. btw know a girl who get pregnant messing around - so take care

Can you control when your length starts?

You aren't serious are you? You cannot become pregnant between Saturday and in a minute. It is no potential that you would become pregnant from ejajulation fluid on the guy's foot. So, if you reckon you ARE pregnant (which I am 100% sure you are not at this time) why are you drinking alcohol? Alcohol can hold serious defect on a unborn child. You involve to review have sexual contact if you are unsure of how your body works, which it seem you are.

Question for women taking birth control pills..?

Maybe you DO hold a slight hangover. Take some Tums. They work great and really promptly. (I chew three). If you still get the impression lousy tomorrow, see a doctor. But I bet you'll be fine by tomorrow. :)

GRLZ!! urgent?

If his penis be ever anywhere in the neighbourhood your vagina you can obtain pregnant. A penis does not hold to be inside, but rubbing it on your vaginal nouns, in that are secretion, and it have be certain to be ample contact for a pregnancy. There are places you can be in motion for a free and confidential pregnancy question paper. Go obtain checked and do the oral exam. Remember, condoms, condoms, condoms.

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no dont verbs your panic thats whats up next to you relax
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