I just had my gallbladder removed and also have PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome)?

Are near any women next to like issues? I know that big level of estrogen can raison d`??tre gallstones, which is why I have to enjoy my gb removed and I have to steal estogen a few times to hop start my length as all right as birth control for 7 years. I be wondering if have this removed could possibly abet beside my ovarian cysts. Any suggestion is appreciated from women who enjoy experienced this.

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I don't expect have the gallstones/gallbladder removed will alleviate the PCOS symptoms but you probably will perceive considerably better...I sure did! I finally have my ovaries out but can't beside any honesty right to be heard that I consistency much better for it...still enjoy PCOS type symptoms but only live next to it! Thyroid did abet as I be hypothyroidic. Good luck.
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