Do most girls in high school (12-18) masturbate?

As a manly within soaring college, im purely curious, not a pervert.

Are in attendance any danger of have frequent urinary tract infections?

I'm not sure if most girls do, but I know I started when I be just about 13 I'm 19 immediately. See guys don't return with that most the stuff you guys do us girls do too lol. So yeah probably hush a few of them do it.

What do I do!?

Not the usual ones. It is perverted for a girl. And what glorious college have 12 year olds? That used to be 6th position, the top elementary class or at the especially most 7th status, entry junior large.

Also, stop wondering more or less these sort of things and swot up a skill.

Weight Gain. Why?

Well, I haven't taken a poll, but I would articulate a tolerant amount do.

What loving of chicks verbs beard?

Your a pervert - lol - just humour.

Yes they probably do but it safer to do it at home fairly than within glorious academy - lmao .

Are you still a virgin?

If they don't, that's a really desperate sign for society.

But I regard as a untold majority do.

After sex i have my regular spell after 14 days. but the following month i in that a randomness?

I don't know if most girls do because they indeed don't speak about respectively other close to guys do. Most girls will voice "ewwwwww" and deny doing it because it is looked down on for girls but for guys its only just 'innate' Which is total bull, I did it when I be within soaring college and I'm sure like mad of my friends did though they will never own up to it

Girl to girl facilitate!?

im a 15 year feeble womanly im recitation you we do. Especialy us red head u know what I denote ;)

What do I do in a minute?


Haha, keeping it simple for you, profusely of girls will lately vote "Haha, eww, what?" but won't deny it because it's true.

Gardasil, YES OR NO??

I didn't do it at that age...I guess I didn't really know what to do and I thought I would be gross if I did it. But when I be 20, I finally tried it once and fell in love. Now I do it all the time!
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