Can birth control pills help women with PCOS?

Can birth control pills aid women beside PCOS? My Dr. said they lend a hand beside cysts and minor endometriosis but I didn't ask if it help next to minor cases of PCOS... anyone know?

(I want to concieve inside a year or so although I may regard roughly trying BC pills to minister to past that process. )

Embarassing! Please sustain a confused girl!?

Yes, the pill can assistance next to PCOS.
I enjoy have PCOS since I be 13 (I am 25 now) and it help regulate your hormone level properly.
I be on the pill from age 13 to 17 because I have stopped getting my interval adjectives together. The pill help me lose consignment and win my period.
I am currently put a bet on on the pill; however, I am not on it for PCOS (I own lost 65 lbs and my level are normal).

Much luck- profoundly of women who hold PCOS hold a difficult time getting pregnant. I would bring up to date your doctor that you are thinking of have a baby- s/he may bequeath you birth control pills near extra estrogren.

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The pill with the sole purpose help near the symptoms of no or irregular period and the dark sweats. It does not cure PCOS.

They do NOT comfort near cysts. I know because I have a cyst ending year even though I am on the pill. I don't know more or less endometriosis.

Many women near minor PCOS own be competent to conceive after using the pill. Good luck beside that. :)

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I can lone speak from my own experience, but I be diagnosed beside PCOS at the age of 12 and together near other gynae problems:-

Not ovulating,

Heavy and aching period etc,

be prescribed "hormone treatment" until I be 16 and later the contraceptive pill after that within proclaim to abet the problem.

I stopped taking the pill when I be around 20 because it be recommended to me by my doctor that it might be a well-mannered thought to try and start a household. I did subsequently return with pregnant when I be 24 but miscarried surrounded by the first trimester.

Because of complications during that miscarriage my doctor told me that it be drastically unlikely that I would conceive again, and prescribed me hormone treatment to sustain beside my PCOS.

When I be 28 I collapsed in the future surrounded by dire discomfort and rushed to hospital near a suspected burst ovarian cyst. They give me a urine tryout, and discovered that I be two weeks pregnant. Eight months subsequent, after a extremely difficult pregnancy (Symphisis pubis dysfunction) I give birth to a 9lb 2oz Son.

I still have problems near my period and PCOS as in good health as slightly disfiguring polycystic patch on my obverse so my doctor prescribed me Norethisterone to try and "reboot" my cycle.

Whilst i be taking these, I become pregnant again (which be fairly a shock because Norethisterone is stronger than the contraceptive pill). And again give birth nine months next to a bouncing 9lb 2oz daughter.

I would right to be heard from this that birth control and hormone treatment help me, however please don't be surprised if it take you a while to conceive.

Don't lose heart.

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I'm a big admirer of continuous low-dose birth control use (Lo-Ovral be the right combo for me) to prevent one from have period, until equipped to conceive. This really help me near my endo. I devise the medical society is exceptionally close to fully accepting that a woman does not involve to own a menstral cycle, until shortly formerly desiring to carry pregnant. My best friend have PCOS and have only just started low-dose continuous BCP and for the concluding three months have be issue-free.

Good luck to you
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