How long do the side effects of the Depo shot rob to wear past its sell-by date?
Answers: I've hear of women dealing with unenthusiastic side effects after stopping the shot for up to six months, and it taking up to a year after getting off of it for your menstrual length to become regular again.
It's really a horrible form of birth control.
What side effects? I was on depo for almost two years, I never really have any side effects other than spotting during the fundamentally first month I was on it. In any satchel if you only get one shot and you were supposed to progress back on the fourth I'd vote it should be out of your system by mid-March for sure. Roughly a month too two months depending on your body, i stopped taking depo as well because i didn't approaching the side effects.
This is only from personal experience. It stays within your system for 3 boths from the day of your shot however a better guideline is your menstrual cycle. Once that get back to regular it should be out of your system and that may be more than 3 months. It took me about 6 months but I have been on it for 2 years. Again, basically my opinion but I don't suggest you step back on it. It be in the broadsheet about 2-3 years ago that they found it thinned out your bones. It's also not ment as a long possession birth control method. Well it takes a while for adjectives the side affects and issues with depo to come out of your body.
It can cart anywhere from immediately to at most minuscule a year (or more!).