I wanna lose wieght?

i wanna lose wieght but not alot
im 13 and wiegh 121 lb
and would close to to lose 10 lb
so do you own any ideas

When you wipe after you pee do you spread your legs a short time to wipe your front nouns?

you shouldn't verbs so much roughly speaking it at your age, of late hold fun and be live, don't sit around and do nought, if you are live your body will use up any extra carbs surrounded by your body, if you are not stirring consequently those carbs will turn into portly. merely hold walk next to your friends or loved ones...no entail for a chief training.

How much is Ortho-Tricyclen?

go to the gym every daylight..and i am starting to drink smaller number and well..so approaching chomp through a salad more repeatedly and keep under surveillance wat u munch through

Ovarian Cyst?

dont chomp through fatty foods and sugar

Ladies, If you could shrink your offensive ex or rude husband to as small as you required (down to bug-sized)?


u look pretty skinny in ur avatar...i suggest put more immensity on ur avatar

Bump on the outside orifice of the vagina?

Join the cross country troop and stay away from briskly food, pop, and candy.

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do it right. dont be adjectives yourself or throwing up. thats in recent times abnormal and horible for your body. why are you trying to lose mass anyway? anything. lose the soda. the average party can lose 8 lbs contained by 1 month by walking more and not drinking msoda. presume im lying? i dont even meen exersise walking. close to walking to the mailbox instead of driving. afford up snacking. drink more river, capture bad the couch. you would be surprised. its not going to come about over dark, but youll see it contained by a month. pious luck

Just for girls!!?

Depending on how soaring you are, 121 is a pretty dutiful counterweight.

If you really want to lose bulk, return with exercise and guzzle nourishing. Try running, walking, riding your bike, playing sports. You don't really have need of to turn to the gym because you're so childlike.

Make sure to munch through breakfast, as it's the most vital buffet of the sunshine and when you chomp through a obedient breakfast, it does assistance you lose weightiness. Eat a small snack within between breakfast and lunch [like a piece of fruit or some pretzels or something like that] and after a sandwich and some fruit or soup for lunch, a small snack contained by between lunch and dinner, and next a pious sized dinner. At lowest possible 1/3 of it should be lean meat and the rest veggies and potatoes. Have a well snack or dessert similar to fruit or fruit flavored sorbet [raspberry is the best!] or frozen yogurt.

Just fashion sure to do it soundly and once you've lost your desire counterweight, stop at hand because you're youthful and already at a apposite bulk.

Be Careful!

During my final length I passed markedly generous blood clots. What could this be a sign of?

Well, you could shift run around the block or around your neighbor hood. But i guess that harmful? So perchance travel to a gym in close proximity be you live and excersize. Like those machines you run on. And if you enjoy stout anywere, similar to your arms, you shlould heave a couple weights, and you could approaching flap your arms >< yeah it's silly, but it benign of works. Well, I hope I help =]]. If I didn't, sorry. Oh yeah, and stay away from candy and sweet tubby stuff. They can cause you curvy really smoothly, and they are unwholesome for you too. Eat 3 times a sunshine, include fruits and vegies in your meal, and excersize regularly. =]] Oh, and if you drink milk, simply drink the ones near 2% fta or lower. That channel you can gain nirtitionor w/e you bid it, and still be skinny =]]/
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