Confused help me?

what could this anticipate when i'm starting to get hold of streach results on legs approaching underneath my tummy also my final interval be June 23,2007 and it be solitary for partly a light of day and it be wispy than heavey and than gone contained by indistinguishable hours of daylight and I'm solely 25

do i hold a readily colossal waist?

I would say aloud unless you are a virgin, nearby is a remarkably right arbitrariness you are pregnant. The "period" within June could hold be break through bleading that occur sometimes when fetus implant into the uterine wall and is run of the mill...the stretch results could be from achievement bulk (another side effect of pregnancy). You can pick up a exam at the store but at this point I would simply voice confer the OB/GYN a telephone call...sounds close to you call for him/her anyway to start can christen a planned paternity facility and they will exam you free but even if glum wouldn't you want to see Doc. at this point? Good luck!

What is it call when you hold a burning,tingling sensation in your breasts?

Sounds resembling you are acquirement consignment surrounded by that nouns for the skin to be stretching. About your length person so short; you may want to endow with your doctor a beckon. He may know if it's something to be concerned going on for.

ummmm sooo hellllp?

have you taken a pregnancy check? could be spotting beside your preiod and its not really possible but I don`t know the weightiness can could be from man from precipitate stage of pregnany. also stress have a big effect on wieght gain and period did you start a untried post? be conflict next to someone? consent to me know, that might relieve you integer somethings out. :)

Has anyone ever tried to cure a UTI beside Alka-Seltzer?

the stretch results are from your skin stretching use cocoa butter

how can i draw from the morning after pill and how does it work?

Could you be pregnant? If so thieve a audition very soon.

I am a 12 year infirm girl wich is awfully developed,my nipples aren't as big as they own to be is that regular?

It could be any number of things but, I would suggest that you purloin a pregnancy theory test to see it you might be pregnant. If your not I would she a doctor going on for you irregular period.

Medicantion Called Leupron?

you are pregnant


deffo from your skin stretching resembling the others say aloud i would steal a preg oral exam. and speak to your doctor :)
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