Another method beside condoms?

my boyfriend is really huge physically. and he cannot wear the large condoms, they break! I cannot be on teh pill because I'm allergic to hormones. so what birth control methods we can use minus a condom. serious answers please.

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the excuse that "i'm too big to wear condoms" is ludicrous and never true. Most condoms are substantial enough to fit over someone's pave the way. Large condoms are large ample to fit any male. If they are breaking, next quite simply, he is not putting them on correctly. Tell him to obtain his ego in check and swot up how to correctly put a condom on, and stop forcing you to search for other methods of birth control.

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The only reliable form of birth control (as reliable as a hormonal method, I mean) I can deem of is an IUD. There is a non-hormonal one called ParaGard. Read around it here:

There are other barrier methods besides condoms, close to a diaphragm, or a cap, That you insert into your vagina, over your cervix, but you enjoy to go to a doctor to be fitted for one. The diaphragm is one of the more adjectives methods after hormonal methods and condoms, and is more effective at preventing pregnancy than condoms.
Read around them here:

There are plenty other methods that are not as reliable as the two I listed above that are detailed on that Planned Parenthood website I give you that you can look over by using the menu on the left side of the page.

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Are you sure he's too big to wear the ample condoms or is he just recitation you that?!!

Seriously, though, if you can't take the pill in attendance are several other methods. You could use an IUD but you are more likely to hold complications if you haven't had children. A boater or diaphragm is a possibility but you would need to acquire these devices fitted by your doctor.

Have you thought about trying the feminine condom?

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try a ziplock on his okay u know

Heavy MenstrualHELP!?

if u reall feel a problem consequently try the orthodox methods if u can really perform them in good health because there's other a risk! but if u practise these then u r 100% safe and sound!

firstly u can practise 'coitus interruptus', which means simply before climax/ejaculation ur masculine countepart should withdraw from in u!

secondly u can do is u can have sex regularly contained by that period of your menstrual cycle surrounded by which there is no possiblilty of pregnancy surrounded by any way! this is call the 'safe time' and u can refer to professionals or your elders more details on this.

if u apply these 2 methods consequently u shouldnt worry/encounter any problem! best of luck!

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