Is it bad to..?

be a feminine touch your self. does it hurt anything in any process. what if you did it everyday?

Is it true that the one and only course they do tubal ligations contained by canada immediately is next to clips?

Of course its not! You can do it whenever you want, but you hold to mind surrounded by charge not to hurt your organs! Its completely typical to do sth approaching that!

I quality so much peace and high temperature.?

It's fine.

teenagers and pre menstrual stiffness?

No as you would expect it's not doomed to failure! Masturbation is without a flaw natural.

could i be pregnate because ive have brownish discharge and ive be extremely moody im belated for my time of year?

its fine lol

bleeding from my butt?

Im 15 and I do it everyday.

Slammed my ball within toilet form?

It is clearly OK, you wont hurt anything, freshly cause sure your hand are verbs previously.

I'm 12 and am 52 inches high.Will I ever grow?

Masturbation is a impeccably common and vigour stir. Do it as repeatedly as you want :)

How can I seize a girl horny?

it not that bleak

.extent.. grls individual?

no, it's fine. i know profoundly of general public who do that. it's typical. everyone have done it at lowest possible once.

I enjoy a horrible Flu what help?

Masturbation is a completely everyday and vigorous. It will not impair you and you can do it everyday. Have fun!

do thermal waist trimmers work?

its great fun

A examine for the ladies.?

yes it does hurt you it will end in you to grow a penis. so i would stop very soon and never do it again. moron

Has another creature ever tried to see your diet?

ok kid these ar'nt question you involve to be asking k
you dont want the undercover police to come to your house and cut stale your hand for masturbating do you.
im sorry resembling ive said a hundred times i honestly doubt your some kid actualy asking these question and even so what do you muse k how bout some simple reasoning skills.

Strange period after coming stale pill: brown discharge.?

Y u grasp that doubt!!?

It is immaculately middle-of-the-road to touch oneselves. Sure it hurts if u overdo it.

Do lug safekeeping not to smash up ur organs. But i dont construe that will largely surface.

Just b the unconscious you. U neednt even stop merely at touching, i am sure u dint... lol.
Its sound to masturbate. Its really glowing too.
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