Unregular periods?

My friends get a problem... she have her extent on july 18,2007...
it waz similar to on and rotten kinda regular type ..n it done on the 27th(july). later it started again ...Today on August 3..and it happend really impulsive ..within the morning at hand waz zilch ..she get shocked tht it begin sum time around 3pm. It waz a adjectives lot...her stomach ache the color isnt right as economically ..soo shud she be worried?

Ladies, I get a press?

If she's of late starting her period it;s majority that they be irregular for a year or even two. It doesn't hurt to go and get it checked out if she have any worries, especially if she's have her length for more than a couple of years.
She must progress to ER if she develops a disorientation, pass clots, feel nauseated and/or have profuse sweating.

Menstration put somebody through the mill please assistance?

She requirements to progress see a doctor.

I hold 2 lumps surrounded by respectively breast?

yes should see gyno asap, or if dizziness, sweating, nausea,or severe niggle turn to ER!

How do I go and get rid of the spots on my facade?

She should be in motion see a doctor. A lot of things can motive an irregular interval but it shouldnt be discolored or throbbing. She should really see a doctor.

What are the pros and cons of Yaz Birth Control?

please check a doctor

It have be 5 months sense I have my spell?

It is better to own checked near a doctor.

How effectual is the coil as a contraceptive?

That's what these feminine doctors are for. To comfort next to things close to this.
Call one.
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