It has been 5 months sense I had my period?

I'm 20 and it have be 5 months very soon. I have my first length when I be 12 and it be fine. Every month 3-5 days. When I started dignified arts school my period become epidemic, and it is still doing it. For instance, I have a time of year that last a month. Sometimes it will be on the dot and sometimes it wont. I know I'm not pregnant because I haven't have sex. Do you know what might be wrong. Are within things that can back. Like birth control? any guidance will facilitate a great deal. Thanks contained by advance


This is intended for a doctor or a nurse.?

You want to see your gynecologist. There could be a exceedingly simple problem, or something much more complicated. Either style, seize it taken precision of.

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could be a few things. sometimes the pill can abet regulate. you really have need of to see a gynocologist.


birth control can regulate your time of year to a more run of the mill cycle. ask your doc which one they deem you would similar to. start beside a low estragen next if you hold to, work your style greater.

please give support to?

You should see a doctor for a complete womanly exam. She/he will probably put you on the Pill to regulate your period. Sounds close to a hormonal problem.

I am 17 and i hold an A cup, did my boobs stop growing?

you should probably see a gynecologist. this sounds liek a simple problem that could be fixed beside birth control pills, or some minor medication.

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This is a concern for someone your age. You should see your doctor. This could be from nutritional problems, or it may be that your body is not regulating itself very well.
If you do not enjoy your term after you have need of to be on hormones because as a woman you are much more susceptible to osteoporosis. Five months is a long time.


sometimes when ou are too anxious or underneath alot of stress your interval will tend to work up...relish the reality that your interval doesn't come as regularly..I option mine would do that...
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