Superrrrr heavy periods!?

i am 14, and i've simply have a extent presently for in the order of a year and possibly a partially. every single month since i can remember my period own be extra extra hard to digest. im worried to walk to sleep at darkness because every time i rouse up near my pant nearly drenched surrounded by blood. its so startling. and i wear overnights throughout the intact light of day. im suprised i even hold any blood gone surrounded by my body. and i hold really desperate cramps to!..what can i do? NO BIRTH CONTROL

HELP!Aunt flow have get ta GO.?

Hey hon.

I would really recommend going to see your doctor and getting a check over... I am 17 and my doctor refuse to put me on the pill because I am not sexually stirring, so she have put me on some other tablets to give support to near the flow and cramps.

I would travel hold a chat to her... It probably isn't devout to hold really filling period over a really long time because I know when I enjoy starchy period, I procure really sick because of low iron level from losing blood...

Please move about and see your doctor and near sleeping next to your term, put a couple of towels over your sheets - that's what I do when I am really heavily built and I don't stress as much. :)

Good luck hon.

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make an appointment to see your Gynecologist, you may hold fibroids.

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Ok, so you own a problem for which medical science have developed a cure for, and you come asking us for proposal on what to do, except don't make clear to me to do the one point that in reality works!

This is one of the reason they enjoy birth control, is to give support to women. If it's your parents who are against it, perchance have them discuss things beside your doctor could sustain. Plenty of immature women lug it, and it doesn't form them own sex any sooner than they would enjoy short it.
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