Is it possible for a 16 yr old to get a yeast infection?

My 16 yr out-of-date sister have something which i believe is a yeast infection. she told me in the order of adjectives her symptoms and asked me to pocket her to a gyno...I made an appointment for subsequent week but I'm only curious to know if age matter?

I have a yeast infection the first time when I be 19 so I don't know if age make a difference.

I'm on the pill am i pregnant please aid?

I notably doubt that age matter contained by the cases of a yeast infection.

She could well gotten it from wearing tight pant or douching or lots others things.

I wouldn't verbs...i reason its run of the mill.

Just manufacture sure to call on a gyno to see if thats what it is. =]

I come across to hold a nesting length contained by my monthly cycle, anyone else?

I have yeast infections when I be 15 = Age doesn't business.

How long after childbirth.?

A babe-in-arms can catch a yeast infection. It can come from foods, clothes, and prescription

this is a ? for the ladies out within?

i have one when i be 13 ._.

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Anyone can bring it anytime, so no, age doesn't thing.

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Age doesn't issue at adjectives.
I know a 12 year infirm that have a yeast infection.
You can catch them from different things though, resembling too much moisture, or wearing non-breathing underwear.
Anyways, virtuous luck!

Questions for guys?

You can distinctly own one at 16 - they are horrible!! It depends on the individual and what they wear and if they swim - etc to whether they attain one. The same is next to bladder infections which are horrible too!! UGH the things women move about through! lol

Taking her to the gyno is categorically the best piece to do! You nouns resembling an awesome big sis! Hope she feel better soon.

What does it meen when?

can catch it as a kid. yeast overgrowth is a biological item, although famine of hygiene is habitually the raison d`??tre of it within young at heart kids

I deduce i enjoy a uti.know any cures?

wait a week for a yeast infection? ouchy ouchy ouchy .or itchy itchy itchy I should read out.

I don't regard age matter. Maybe some yogurt or a vinegar and marine douche would minister to her until you go and get her to the doc. Otherwise, she'll be miserable.

You might also try some over-the-counter Gynelotrimin or Monistat or something approaching that.

What does it penny-pinching when a girl feel nought during sex and that she didnt bleed the first time?

I enjoy be getting yeast infections since I be 15. Age does not issue. I wasn't sexually helpful until I turned 18. I hope this help and pious luck!!

help! i judge i'm going lacking hair!?

Even babies can seize yeast infections. It have zilch to do next to how dated you are, or whether you are sexually involved.

pregnancy please sustain !?

no, age does not issue! i have one when i be 91/2. it is ok! you can get hold of them at any age, as they turn out from colthing, and sheets/bedding.
honourable luck!

what is this?

Age doesn't own anything do next to getting a yeast infection, your a moment ago more predictable to bring back one when your sxually involved. But it could be wreak by like mad of different things.

Heh Ladies! What more or less testosterone replacement?

Age doesn't issue. Yeast grows contained by an glut of sugar and high temperature and moist atmosphere. Also if you bear any antibiotics they can assassinate the perfect germs within your system and the yeast can grow.

Have her munch through some yogart or give somebody a lift some acidopholis pills from the vigour food store until her appointment. She should cut out any soda she drinks and where on earth white cotton panties. It would be better not to wear blue jeans while she have this too. Loose fitting stuff would be better.

I reflect it is great that you are taking her to the doctor. She shouldn't be ashamed to make conversation to you or your mom around this. There is no relationship between a yeast infection and sex. She could own one from taking medicine. It is conventional.

Good luck to her.

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no age does not business anyone can bring an yeast infection

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Do you want a unconscious cure for yeast infections? Also, do you want to know why women in this day and age grasp them so commonly?

Antibiotics decimate germs contained by your body, including some especially biddable germs surrounded by your digestive system. Acidophilus and Bifidum destroy yeast contained by your body to keep hold of it at undisruptive level, they backing digest your food also to decrease flatulence (farts). Our diets are also impressively high-ranking within sugar and simple carbs (white bread and white rice) that nurture the yeast and take home it grow at an above average rate. Once Acidophilus and Bifidum are kill by Antibiotics, the individual mode to catch them pay for into your system is to bring a supplement that contains live cultures, here is also a small amount of the live cultures within yogurt.

Tell your sister to cut wager on on sugar, put away low sugar yogurt, keep hold of her privates terrifically verbs (just sea, no soap), and pick up some Acidophilus/ Bifidum at a form food store. You know they are the best ability when they maintain them surrounded by a fridge at the store (drug stores don't own those brands).

Good luck!
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