I think i have a UTI and a yeast infection at the same time, is that possible??

And can any of these effect your time of year? bc im also worried im pregnant and my term is due sometime between yesterday till sunday and havent gotten it however. Help!

And ive taken preg test, (two concluding dark, and one this morning and come up denial they be the dollar broad brand.) So can a UTI and yeast infection effect the channel the pregnancy test read?

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Yes, it's possible and pretty adjectives to hold both at alike time. No, the UTI wouldn't affect a pgcy trial.

If you do get the impression that you enjoy a UTI, build sure that you ring your doctor. You requirement antibiotics to treat it. In the meantime, start drinking lots of marine and/or cranberry liquid to initiate flushing out your system. For the YI, since you will be on antibiotics, you may want to ask going on for Diflucan, which will treat the YI a bit suddenly.

Good luck to you.

Who are the idiots who disagree near the answers given? The juvenile behaviour around here is astonishing.

Am i spotting?

Please do not ask the citizens here, they are not Doctors and will simply be guessing
It could be anything?

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If you're on antibiotics for the UTI, a yeast infection is unambiguously possible. The best bet for an accurate reading shouldn't be artificial by any of those conditions. Buy a pregnancy testing near a cup and dipstick. Use the first-of-the-morning urine, when the hormone is strongest, and you will catch your most accurate reading. I would suggest, though, if you're not individual treated for your UTI near antibiotics AND you hold a yeast infection, you call for to of late combine adjectives three problems and capture to a gynecologist who can bestow you the definitive answer for adjectives three problems.

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Yes, it's possible to hold both a UTI & yeast infection at like time. Yes, any condition can breed your term arrive unsettled. Any condition contained by some women can alter their menstrual cycle (making it arrive precipitate or late). I would jump to the doctor. A yeast infection can be treated beside OTC medicine (vaginal anitfungals), but a UTI is difinitively diagnosed beside a urine anaylsis. If this comes rear legs positive, after the usual treatment is antibiotics. You can also drink lots of fluids & cranberry liquid to flush out, or prevent adjectives UTI's. As far as possible pregnancy go, your doctor can endow with you a better answer than dollar store test. If you are pregnant, it's totally precipitate. However, within are pregnancy test out within that can narrate you if you are pregnant up to 5 days previously you are due to hold your interval. I don't conjecture that have a UTI/yeast infection can alter pregnancy tryout results. They are designed to with the sole purpose act in response to the hormone a woman's body make singular during pregnancy. Just to be out of danger, step to your doctor to find adjectives of your concerns checked out. Good luck!

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Yes you can own a UTI and a yeast infection at one and the same time but it will not affect the outcome of a pregnancy experiment.Sometimes the term can be unpunctually up to 5 days but does not be set to your pregnant.
You should see your doctor if your interval doesn't come in 5 days.(Remember you never said your age so if your a pubescent its commonplace to miss period for longer period of time especially if your a severely cracked girl but if your self-conscious beside this see your doctor.)
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