My mom is having what she calls a 'knot' in the lower left side of her back?

She's going to the doctor's soon but I'm a moment ago curious to find out if it's anything that desires attention. She said it's not really other nearby, but I asked her if she feel it when she breathes contained by, and if I can remember correctly she said yes, or atleast sort of.
Someone at her work mentioned the Kidneys?
Also, she's 55 if that help.

I am masculine and suffer from gynecomastia ( Male Breasts)?

It could be a muscle spasm. Tell her to cart Advil and try warmness on her final. The dr. can relate her for sure but that's something she might want to try until she go to the dr. You can turn to and and enter the symptoms. They both hold symptom checkers and they can report to you what it might be.

why does the backache contained by the spinal column remains long after and epidural have be done?

I don't know

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Could be lots of things. Is she describing distress, or does she consistency some sort of lump within her support? Pain specifically aggravated by breathing is typically musculoskelatal, but to be precise not an authentic.

Im 15 5'3 and weigh going on for 165. big hips and thighs runs surrounded by my kith and kin i enjoy more or less 30 days 2 loose immensity?

It may be simple cyst requiring excision..

Safe Sex and Birth Control?

theres no authentic answer until the doctor checks it out

Pap smear?

I go to the Dr. yesterday and she said I enjoy a pinched brashness wager on in that. I am going to the Chiropracter subsequent week. Maybe this is your mother's problem.

Im confused nearly my extent?

It could be a kidney stone kidney stones are glib to be feel when breathing. if it is a kidney stone she have to rob it out immeditely

A serious grill, please be sensitive?

Hard to say-so what it could be. There are so various possibilities. Any associated stomach-ache? It's so flowing to grasp worried over something explicitly totally minor but she is manifestly doing the right article by going to the doctor to own it checked!
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