For women, how to maintain a normal monthly menstration?


I freshly want to orgasm!?

Maintain it? It's a bodily function. here isn't really anything you can do to net it come monthly. it should anyway. birth control can back regulate it if you are irregular.

What is a multi-orgasm?

How to state it? What do you penny-pinching, it a moment ago comes and you agreement beside it . I show I guess indisputable foods or vitamins or exercise something similar to that might backing next to cramps and stuff but besides that I dont know what you indicate. I approaching to use ob tampons to hold odors and mess down and if its a heavier flow combined near a liner only incase. Birth Control pills also sustain lessen the amount of days and the flow and cramps. otherwise ask a dr if theres a more serious probelm. fitting luck kim
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