When you go to your doctor because you might have UTI, do they ask you if you've had sex?

Please answer the following:

What reason did you donate your doctor for have UTI?
What be the tangible function why you have UTI?
Did your doctor ask if you have UTI as a result of sexual intercourse?
What other question did your doctor ask you when you go surrounded by because you thought you have UTI?
What type of doctor (what specialization) do you see if you guess you enjoy UTI?

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-You don't stipulation to administer a apology
-You can catch a UTI for Sex, STD's,not wash properly, holding your bladder, taking baths, solid medication, etc.
-No, my doctor did not ask that, however, she did suggest that I urinate formerly and after sex to prevent it.
-The doctor asked give or take a few my symptoms (ex: frequent urination, burning,etc) and how normally do I hold UTI (but she'll lately look at my medical records)
-I go to my broad practice doctor once and the other time I go to my Gyn.

-Good Luck!

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They repeatedly do ask because have energetic sex can effect UTIs. If you give attention to you hold a UTI you can see a regular common practionar doctor or or a nurse practionar.

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1. Usually agony or excessive discharge from the vaginal area
2. Can be cause by heaps things such as germs reaching the bladder cause the UTI, some women are merely more prone to it than others
3. The doctor will ask you if you have intercourse, but everything is CONFIDENTIAL
4. What variety of symptoms you be experiencing, how long, when did it start, etc..
5. General doctor can lift consideration of you

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They approaching to know if you are sexually live so that they can describe you how to help yourself to preventative steps. With me I be sexually busy and didn't drink ample river back and after sex. I freshly go contained by and said I quality resembling I own a UTI. Other reason that society win UTIs bar sexual reason is if they wipe after going to the bathroom from wager on to front. Bacteria from the butt can go and get into the Urinary Track and lead to a UTI. I saw a regular line doctor. They a moment ago needed a pee example. No vagina test or anything.

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1) Symptoms.
2) Real foundation? Well, women hold a fairly short urethra and it newly happen sometimes.
3) As a result of sex? Not approaching that. The doctor may ask if you're 'moving' because sometimes UTI's can be a result of sexually transmitted infection where shield your partner(s) would enjoy to be notify and treated too. Most sexually transmitted infections can be smoothly cleared up if caught precipitate and are zilch to be ashamed nearly.
4) Just more or less the symptoms, whether or not I've have one until that time and whether or not I be allergic to any antibiotics, nought interesting.
5) A domestic practice doctor is fine.

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I hold be to tons doctors for UTIs (been getting them my full life), my GP, doctors at the walk-in clinic etc. They usually don't ask you why you own a UTI. So several things can effect a UTI, it's terrifically difficult to pinpoint the mete out. The just item they've ever said just about sex is too pee after intercourse.
When you walk to the doctor for a UTI (just be in motion to your GP, no specialist needed) they'll ask you your symptoms and ask you for a urine token. They'll usually use a oral exam strip to see if you do own a UTI, furnish you a prescription and dispatch the taster to the lab.
It's merely if you are getting chronic UTIs will they start asking more question. If they can't amount out the mete out next you might be referred to a Urologist.

Hi gurls! i enjoy hear something like a cortal and a softdrink human being used to prevent pregnancy? are they decisive?

UTI s enjoy nought to do beside sex. They surface for so abundant reason. You will tender a urine token, they will eyeshade it, and afterwards relay you what is going on. If they ask you nearly sex, it is because of something else. OH yeah.your sex existence should be between you, your partner and your doctor. Parents are NOT allowed to know anything that go on between you and her/him. Tell the doctor that you do NOT want your parents to know anything,and they own to obide by your requests.
To answer your sound out, even virgins carry UT Is ,any doctor or nurse practictioner can treat a UTI. Go where on earth it is cheaper for you. Just remember, sex and UTI's enjoy NOTHING to do next to respectively other. You can acquire them from sex, but not as an STD. It is merely something that happen to our urinary tract, and the contamination of that tract, or, dearth of hose and not using the bathroom satisfactory. One of the best ways to avoid UTI next to sex is to construct sure you pointless your bladder right back and after.
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