Period + high school tryouts = bad!?

Period + big institution tryouts = discouraging!?
what can i do?

i own 2 a year tryouts adjectives week and as expected my spell is also adjectives week

i take rly fruitless cramps and nausia when on my period

i dont want to relay my coach((who im in reality close with)) because after she will believe that im a slacker

what should i do?

btw.its for enclosed space hockey and its adjectives girls

Period lateness?

i simply go through two a daytime tryouts on my term...and where on earth i live it is approaching 102 degree beside similar to an 107 scope bake trick!! merely make conversation to your coach and explain that you may hold to hold it a short time easier than you customarily would. or, try taking midol or ibubrofen and tough it out.

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Try to shift to bed hasty and transport a torment executioner until that time u travel out.

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woohoo i play elevated university grazing land hockey!

anyways, excersize in reality is suitable for your period
when you're running around, you won't really perceive any cramps
hold on to drinking water
and pilfer headache killers

dutiful luck
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