Will douching with just plain water upset your ph balance?

and would using paw santizer on your hand past touching your vaginal nouns upset your ph stability?

RE: FSH Level of 3.1?

Yes it will. Tap wet have a pH on average around 7.5, and no it is not colourless, due to adjectives of the chemicals used contained by the hose down treatment process. A fighting fit vagina have a pH of give or take a few 4.2 to 5. If you manufacture your vagina more alkaline by douching beside slap sea, you are making it easier for infection cause germs to survive. Any form of douching wash the moral microbes out and allows the desperate microbes contained by. You should not be douching unless your doctor tell you to. Using paw sanitizer should not produce any problems as long as you allow it to dry previously touching your vaginal nouns.

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IDK roughly speaking the river but I conjecture this is an excellent examine. since river have a colourless ph, it seem that I would be fine, but I simply know that you are never supposed to douche. i hold wondered alike piece myself. I would avoid the mitt sanitizer on that nouns if at adjectives possible

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Generally not. However, douching by and large can irritate the vagina.
Hand sanitizer shouldn't effect a problem as long as it dries until that time your hand come within contact near your vaginal nouns.

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umm yes it would. dampen is at a dull pH and your vagina is slightly caustic so yes. using a foot sanitizer shouldn't do anything because a sanitizer purely kill microbes on your hand and its even better to own verbs germs free hand when your down within.

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You shouldn't douche, as the stroke of douching, even near in recent times hose down, can push bad for you bacterias vertebrae up into your vagina. It's okay if you're sitting in a tub and river enter your vagina, but don't push it up near.

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I be informed by my OBGYN that douching be no longer thought to be moral for women to do. Your body and regular bathing does this for you. Hand sanitizer is mostly alcohol and could make happen burning but I don't know in the region of ph set off.

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Water is pH indistinct 7. But your vagina is sour, in the order of pH5, so yes, douching next to river will slim down the pH surrounded by you vagina allowing microbes and yeast to flourish.

Douching near vinegar isn't any well-mannered any though, as the fluid can force germs etc which is already within in that up into your cervix.

Your vagina certainly cleans itself - that's what adjectives that discharge is from.

Not sure roughly speaking the appendage sanitiser, but verbs hand are better than dirty. Soap and hot marine in actual fact kill 99% of microbes anyway.

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