Why can't the government get adult stem cells instead of baby stem cells?

I hear that doctors are hiring women to donate their influential cell of their babies. Why can't they purely extract cell from a party who is dead/dying?? They work only as all right. And lots close friends have abortions and they said it cause profoundly of stomach-ache and dilapidated their uteris's. Why can't they receive it from adults? Look, you might ponder I don't know what I'm talkin' nearly but adjectives the women within my home (that have resembling a hundred people) are nurses. (if you're wondering, the rest are football players or firemen)

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Here is some reading fabric so you can follow a bit more something like it. Woman don't hold abortions to go and get stem cell. Better edify yourself. Get your facts straight read this please.


Ever Heard Of Boston IVF?

Adult stem cells aren't nearly as forceful as fetal stem cell when it comes to doing research. Fetal cell are adaptive when it comes to helping find cures for an assortment of diseases.

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simple they don't work as all right.. they may be nurses but nurses aren't investigators,,,, I'm studying biomedical technology and anyone who works here nouns know that the mature stem cell a moment ago aren't as efficient....I'm not adage whether or not its ethical I'm only aphorism road it is and which can be used for better results

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