Birth Control?

I'm having problems next to my birth control. I have be taking it for almost 3 months and I have experienced a constant term. I know spotting is expected with the Seasonique brand, but will this eventually stop? I'm not sure which is more frustrating...the horrible sickness lacking the birth control or the constant period and minor cramps. Should I try to stick near the brand? Any suggestions on other brands?

My boyfriend went down on me, but i didn't own an orgasm..?

you should try a brand that supplies more estrogen like mircette

I am 26 and I can't hold orgasm's.serious answer please?

I like Yaz.

Chest Pain Above Left Breast ! Doc Says the Same over and over again.?

Ask your doctor, you might call for to switch types of birth control pills. Not all of them work for everyone.

How can i capture rid of this?

a constant period?! gosh i can't even see in your mind`s eye that! i'm sorry girl!
i'd say switch your birth control brand, but i'm no doctor, so step talk to your doctor roughly it. i am on Ortho Tricyclin Lo and i've had worthy luck w/ it.

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