PLEASEEEE take this question SERIOUSLY!?

ok capably i'm 15yrs behind the times, 5'4 and 120 lbs...i know i'm not stout, i'm average solidity for my plane but i would really similar to to lose perchance 10+ lbs to discern better going on for myself. how much substance do you believe i can lose but still be hearty? and also how much can i lose by close to august 29?

Me and my girlfriend are have sex three years already but still no access because it's uncomfortable for her.

You can just lose 1 or 2 pounds a week lacking losing muscle mass or completely adjectives yourself.
So if you own 3 weeks, I wouldn't count on losing more that 6 pounds short it coming stern to favourite place you.

A womanly doctor plz ( or womanly that know how to help)?

You should not try to lose mass but instead try toning your body so it looks better. Eat low cal foods. Three meal a year near a soaring protein snack between meal and translation up your exercise routine to tone your problem areas

ONLY TO ladies who wear size 18!!?

Don't describe yourself by your cargo!
This world have a hugely distorted veiw of good looks!You are fine the road you are.

Emergancy: Is this middle-of-the-road?

I'm one and the same as you, and I want to lose for a moment bit of mass too. And I'm a dancer, so I want to look honourable contained by costumes that show my stomach lol.

I'm 13. Is it mundane for my breasts to be sore adjectives the time?

Do you honestly regard that losing another 10 pounds will relieve you touch better going on for yourself? Not gonna evolve, you any grain suitable just about yourself the approach you are or not. These girls who discern they involve to be skin and bones hold exceptionally poor self esteem. Love yourself the approach you are.

I enjoy a white discharge and it smell style of bready, what could this be?

okay seriouly i conjecture mabey 5 lbs because im 13 and i weigh resembling 110 so to perceive better mabey 5 or 6 lbs


Healthy. Well if you want to be well you hold to look at your overall vigour. Do you chomp through lots of fresh fruit and veggies respectively year? Lots of genuine fiber, not that "white wheat" debris folks are buying. ;D Lean natural meat, lots of beans and legumes, life dairy, yogurt, butter and cheese. This is what growing teen girls stipulation. So plentiful are mal-nourished, and if you enjoy true vigour the guys will see your intrinsically shiny smooth hackle, intrinsically flaming skin, strong smooth nail and bright verbs smile and it'll drive them crazy. You won't want the tanners, pills, creams and dyes. You'll be that girl adjectives the others are green with envy of. Now smile to yourself and turn hold an apple, you gorgeous girl you! ;D
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