Pap Smear Tests...?

While doing a Pap Test...does the doctor tryout for HPV? My end Pap smear come hindmost Normal...My give somebody the third degree is if my question paper come stern Normal could I still enjoy HPV?

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Normally, an initial pap smear is lately to see if within are irregular cell. When it does come stern exceptional, they usually do another one, to see if it is HPV or something else. They may be capable of explain to from the first taste whether or not you enjoy it, but usually they do it if you enjoy an deviant taster.

It's [this is a impressively slim to none kismet, btw] possible that you can own HPV, but it's not plausible, since it come hindmost typical. Of course, when you be in motion again subsequent year, you could own contracted HPV. So construct sure to other use condoms near your partner, as you [usually] get hold of it from males because they're carrier for it. Of course it can be passed down from your mom, but more probable than not, it come from a guy.

So congrats, you most imagined don't hold HPV.

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You could still take the virus if the result is mundane, but the virus have not effect your cell all the same. There is no audition to recount you whether you transport the virus or not, unless you know for sure you are. hang on to doing your pap examination every year, and do not verbs so much.

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Yes they check for HPV thats close to one of the principal things that they check for. You could hold developed HPV since your finishing pap.

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your testing can come up majority and enjoy the hpv virus, since you inevitability to request for the try-out for the hpv,
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