Is this normal?

i own a really sturdy flow during my term and it last similar to 10 or 11 days. i hatred my interval so much it feel resembling im peeing adjectives the time and its so frustrating. =[[

Help Please?!?

I used to enjoy really long and sturdy period, I started useing birth control pills, they took away my horrible cramps (I still obtain cramps, freshly NOTHING resembling they used to be), my extent comes at impossible to tell apart time every month, and its not close as indigestible as it used to be.. Maybe this is an odds for you? You should def. reach a deal to your doc and see. Good luck hun!!

I am wondering going on for this procedure?

yep thats usual

I dont know what this is!?

Yes it's majority. If you are depressed, step see your doctor and obtain some birthcontrol.

How antiquated should a feminine when they should start getting mamograms to check for breastcancer?

if it feel worst consult the doc right away

Diagnosed next to chemical pregnancy, one and only 1 spot of blood, and no bleeding nonetheless. 20 days slowly! whats up?

yep that fine. I go and get those alot to. They SUCK!!

I have a colposcopy 2 weeks ago. I have sex but I started to bleed. Is this majority?

yes, its different for adjectives family. you can wear super tampons, afterwards it wont quality resembling your peeing

do i hold a uti?

10 or 11 days is not usual! I suggest seeing a doctor ASAP. Thats road to long to be suffering. I get the impression for you.

Whats harder-chemistry or mico-bio?

yup sure ordinary surrounded by teen years!
most gurls it isn't common around until 18+


Normal for some women but not moral for your body. You should jump to the doctor and bring back on birth control to regulate your period so they are with the sole purpose 5 or smaller number days long. Being on birth control will also backing beside the filling bleeding.

When I hold sex or foreplay sometimes my hand run numb and my fingers curl up, what is arranged!?!?

Actually I dont focus that's vastly everyday.
Periods shouldn't ultimate that long and
stay at that sturdy flow.
I regard you should ask your doctor
to sort sure

a query for the feminine femininity ONLYplease? :(?

Well, it's not extraordinary. I've be getting mine for 25 years very soon and it used to second similar to 7-8 days. It doesn't closing that long presently, but slice of the apology is because I'm on the pill. You can step to a gynecologist and go and get checked out, conceivably walk on the pill to engender it more bearable.

It is a strange entry?

a. no it is not middle-of-the-road to own a really immense flow for 10-11 days. anything between 2 and 8 days is considered ordinary. if this happen more than a month contained by a row, make conversation to your doctor.

b. as for foreboding similar to your peeing, try tampons or evolution your pad more repeatedly.

If the mirena is removed by pulling on the strings, when you remove a tampon, can that pull the mirena out?

i know, period suck! it's tortue.
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