Vagina odor - is it yeast infektion?

sometime my vagina build my underwears sticky and drenched and within is a slight unpleasing odor. is this yeast infection. i method my privates will basically be "wet/damp" over the course of daytime and consequently develop slight smelly odor (sorry to say) and a stickiness to it my undies capture soggy. i bathe.

A sound out something like masturbation?

Usually a yeast infection will be really itchy. The discharge from it is gelatinous and white (think cottage cheese). Sometimes it will hurt when you pee too, especially if you've be wipe harder to try to chisel the itching parts.

A greenish or yellowish discharge beside a fishy smell can indicate bacterial vaginosis. Your doctor could prescribe something for that.

Sometimes the vagina may own an unpleasant smell for several days after the length ends. That's because near are still small amounts of blood that are coming out, not ample for a wipe but adequate to inflict a slight odor.

If the wetness and stickiness doesn't second adjectives month, but for something like two or three days two weeks after the first day of your time of year, it could be the extra cervical mucus that your body produces during ovulation. It's similar to the discharge that the body produces when aroused, but usually thicker.

You could also be sweating.

I ponder a malodorous pantiliner might solve your problem. Also, try making the switch to cotton panties, or if you can't stand them, at most minuscule receive sure the ones you get hold of hold a cotton crotch, and don't wear thongs...the string on a thong act similar to a wick to draw microbes from your anus down toward the vagina.

Of course, if you own an unusual discharge, surrounded by expressions of color or strong odor, see a doctor.

Okay, this is embarassing, it okay to progress to bed lacking shifting my panties?


Do you ever wonder why it hold forever?

ewwww callous, thieve showers 2 a morning.

I own a interrogate in the order of my time of year please relieve?

This is truly exceptionally mundane.. I doubt it's a yeast infection.. The itching would drive you insane if it be. Many women wear panty liner and for freshness use a feminine towlet after urinating..

How repeatedly do u renovation ur wad for ur time of year?

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