Late period?

Hi, my girlfriend's spell is 4 days behind but she have irregualr period anyway. This is the first since we started have sex and we're really upset one solely 16 and 17. We have sex within the ending month but used condoms respectively time and are ultra careful

is within a accident that she could be pregnant? and what to do if she is

please give support to :(

Can a woman near high-ranking blood pressure bear sterilization/tubal ligation?

hold a try-out and receive it checked out. likelihood are low, but if it checks out positive, she requests to travel see a doctor to fashion sure and if it's a true positive, you two necessitate to consult to someone (parent/counselor) something like your option. watch out, and if you're homefree this time, mind your Ps and Qs subsequent time and plan it better if you completely must own sex LOL perfect luck!

Vaginal yeast infection?

Get a preg testing its the individual means of access you will know for sure. And what to do roughly speaking it if she is, all right one and only you two can resolve on that one x x x

Plz oblige!! my boobs are tiny!?

don't fret. she is probablie not pregnant.

does any one know a really dutiful cosmetic surgent for breast intensification?

your too immature for sex, you should hold wait.

You can be have the lateness do to STRESS as economically.

Condoms are not "Safe sex" ... the merely instrument you can NOT become pregnant 100% of the time is to not do it at adjectives.

How is Polycystic Ovarian Disease treated?

First entry to do it to cart a check contained by valise you are worrying more or less nil.
If she is pregnant you both have need of to parley going on for your option next to a doctor/counsellor

how come i dont be aware of any pleasure while i am have sex?

Yeah here is a arbitrariness. You should enjoy a audition taken. If she is pregnant, you obligation to sit down and discuss what you are going to do just about it. I suggest you share someones parents no situation how concrete to be precise. And don't receive too worried but, because worrying prolongs a girl's time of year anyway. I know population who own have this problem just this minute. All cases turned out cynical. But gain a exam.

How long does it run the depo shot to hold away your time of year?

see the doc

pain on gone side abdominal across from navel in a womanly next to a iud?

try a preg question paper. if it's unenthusiastic next the time of year should come anytime soon.
another suggestion... abstain from sex! u're too young-looking

Constantly need to wee?

If she have irregular period anyway,than it could be lately that!
The singular route to really find out is to hold a interview and that will permit you both know for sure other knowledgeable you will solely convey on worrying! It may be nil. If she is run to your local doctor together or own flesh and blood planning and they will natter it through beside you and tender you option if grow adequate to own sex consequently you will own to be season plenty to operation next to this together! appropriate luck!

Bump close Vagina?

she is not pregnant,she must do pregnancy check


do a question paper to be sure it will put your minds at rest, at hand are frequent diffrent reason shes overdue she could be past due, if she isnt pregant later conceivably a check next to the docs wouldnt budge miss.

What sort of information does the gynecologist supply you??

Well,she might not be preganant but still stir and go and get a question paper done or buy the home pregnancy exam. Sometimes stress can clear your extent a few days past due,I missed mine for the adjectives month when I be doing my exams and I'm not sexually involved.
All the best but still you you enjoy to enjoy some kinda support, ry connexions.

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