If someone has an hysterectomy then will they still have PCOS? serious questions only!!?
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I'm copying this answer for you on a furrow I did.. but it pretty much states that yes, you can still hold PCOS next to a hysterectomy. If they don't remove your ovaries during a hysterectomy, later you can still hold adjectives equal problems you have in the past.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome/Disorder is a disorder of the endocrine system. While one of the symptoms can be polycystic ovaries, it is merely one of abundant symptoms. Some women own polycystic ovaries, but do not own PCOS, while other women enjoy PCOS however do not hold polycystic ovaries.
An oophorectomy will markedly put an stop to polycystic ovaries by removing them. It will not alter the other symptoms, which can include insulin resistance. If you be suffering from other symptoms up to that time your surgery, they will remain after your surgery. One possible exception is that since the ovaries produce up to 60% of your body’s testosterone, when they are removed, it may be plenty of a end surrounded by androgens to no longer effect unpleasant side affects.
if a complete hysterectomy is done (ovaries, uterus...adjectives the goodies), consequently no i dont believe pcos will still be nearby. if freshly the uterus is removed, consequently yes, pcos is possible.
That pretty much depends. I have my uterus, both ovaries, cervix out. I do not hold PCOS. If you haven't have your ovaries removed you still will hold PCOS. If you hold you're ovaries still contained by you should be obliged, because I get to turn thru Menopause twice, once when I have a inbred menopause and consequently since within be no hormones produced after the operation, I go thru menopause again.
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