What could be wrong with me if i dont get my periods?i am not pregnent?

i own not gotten my perod contained by over 2 months. i already did a pregnency try-out and it come out glum.so what could it be??

little red pill?

As a blood assessment by your doctor is a more accurate means of access of conducting tests for pregnancy, I would see your doctor to hold one done. Period abnormality can be due to tons things including stress, cargo gain/loss, thyroid, hormonal inconsistency, infection, condition, medication, polyp, cyst, amongst other reason. Please see your doctor for an exam and conducting tests to determine what the exact raison d`??tre may be.

i own hypothyroid and presently my doc wishes me to try thyax have anyone tried this in the past and have did it work?

stress, cargo gain/weight loss.....you should really see a dr. and hold a checkup

Im going on time off on October 11, 2007, it looks close to off-colour be on my term, I've never be on birth control.

Has this ever occured?It can be that you are irregular. I would suggest that you see a doctor to see if they can find out what the solid problem is.

Is breast size and the age you achieve it determined on a gene?

See your GYN and she'll probably instruct a panel of test to check FSH:LH level aswell as prolactin. If you enjoy elevated level of prolactin, your body could be fooled into thinking you be brestfeeding and end period. Also, see if you can be evaluated for PCOS, the major exact of ammenorhea. But don't verbs b/c heaps times, stress,, self under the weather or even travel can throw your interval bad calendar.

need a doctor or a gyni around kolkatta,urgent?

stress ... gossip to a doc..

Plan B pill, Bleeding a week after her time?

Are you ingestion a capably hanging diet? Sometimes drinking disorders can brand your period stop-go see a Dr.

My girlfriend's flipside termination?

See your doctor. I have gloomy pregnancy test until I be 4 months pregnant! Only a blood check can be sure. Besides that it could be any number of other things; hormonal inconsistency, vitamin deficiency, starvation, cancer, thyroid, lots of stuff. Go to the doctor!

I be diagnosed near polycystic ovaries should i be audible range from doctors regulay?

its probably irregular menstrulation, consult your doctor

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