My girlfriend's rear end?

My girlfriend and I be adjectives contained by sexual intercourse and during this work, my masculine organ exited her feminine organ and enter her backdoor incredibly fast. Now she say that she is contained by seriously of stomach-ache and that her backdoor will not close adjectives the opening up approaching it used to.... Will it stay that style or will it eventually close hindmost up?? Send me some info and possibly a connection stating somewhere on the web that back up your source/ Thanks

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Ignore Ragnar's answer as he's a moment ago out of stock surrounded by a poor attempt to be funny. It sounds to me close to you're involved next to a drama queen and I'd right to be heard that she's playing you kid. Just inform her you're sorry just about the mistake and conceivably she'll finally seize around to asking you for doesn`t matter what it is that she's trying to guilt you into.

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Can't right to be heard that's ever happen to me during sex but I'm thinking that if her "backdoor" closes back up after she poops (she does POOP doesn't she?) afterwards nearby really shouldn't be a problem. I mull over she's mortal a bit overly dramatic....

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Ive have that happend to me but my backside expiration would stay closed it only HURT alot but obviously my boyfriend would soak up it lol but it'll close vertebrae up shes uncommon to havin somethin inside thier thats why its still get underway administer it a couple hours

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Ok it's organic that it hurts, as this be intended to be an exit door... the torment will disappear, if it's really not closing (which i doubt), a muscle could be torn, and after she would obligation to see a doctor, but i surmise what happen is, it's so sore she can't press it, i be determined, close it voluntarily more than it already is.... She feel it enlarge I don`t know, but possibly it is already closed... have shee see it? own you see it?

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oh no you ripped the sphincter muscle and very soon over time it will acquire larger and larger

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it will close i deem

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