Why do i hold this spasm?

I have like NO impression why, but i have been have a sorness on my area...yeah, thats what i call it..i havent really be exersizing.but i still have a soreness there.i dont know what i money,.so could someone tell me?? thanks! [:


How do i know if i inevitability a bra?

. You asked this Q twice so I guess you're serious?
And 'this area' IS your vagina, OR your genitals, OR your Private Parts.
Vagina is the grownup word to use.
Tell your Mom straight up; "Mom, my vagina hurts." Easy, huh?
Of course she and the doc will ask for how long, and own you been rubbing yourself 'down there', and have you have sex. Tell the truth.
It's probably some kind of infection. You'll get some pills and within 2 weeks it'll be cured.

Bump..what could it be?

Is bleeding after sex.[about 6 hours after].Is it a sign of pregnancy?
Weired request for information kinda tough to ask?
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