Okay i had sex on the 8th of this month and my period had just ended a couple days before on the 5th is there?

okay i have sex on the 8th of this month and my time have freshly done a couple days in the past on the 5th is at hand a possible fortune i could acquire pregnant?


Do I call for to see a doctor, or should I skulk this out?

Its awfully greatly unlikely, but you can never be sure! Dont pocket likelihood;

False symptoms?what else is it?

Anything is totally possible, but if your length last 3-5 days, you wouldn't be contained by the module of your cycle where on earth you are ovulating. It is significantly unlikely that you would hold become pregnant.

HOWEVER, basically know that sometimes women's bodies ovulate at highly impulsive times - highly rash or fundamentally belatedly contained by their expected cyle.

Please other practice not dangerous sex. If for no other purpose, afterwards for your condition.

Good luck to you!

what could I own?

Yes. Even though the 'experts' stir on give or take a few ovulation, fertile times, and women lone getting pregnant between spot on days.... you can carry pregnant only nearly any time of your cycle, because women are not textbook cases and we dont work similar to clockwork.

Me and my girlfriend are have sex three years already but still no infiltration because it's hurting for her.

you can go and get pregnant at any type of the month regardless of when your term is due but if you hold sex b4 your spell it make you more plausible to be preg. may i suggest contraception.

Lighten dusk areas to blend fluffy stretch grades?

ANYTIME you enjoy unprotected sex you can bring pregnant AND you can also receive STDs and HIV.

You won't know how to check for pregnancy until you are chronological your subsequent spell by at smallest a week.

Advice on how to grow taller?

umm not if you used protection

Could it newly be hormones?

possible but not massively credible!

Do i hold cancer?

Absolutely.. Anything is possible!

What does the mucous plug look close to?

Yes. You can even take pregnant have sex during your length, as it adjectives depends on when you ovulate. If you typically hold a regular 21-28 sunshine cycle, you may be ok. But if you are belatedly for your subsequent term, do a question paper.

Condoms fitting ?

It's possible but outstandingly doubtftul. If you have a sneaking suspicion that you might be pregant draw from a testing...We can't really voice yes or no because we do not know your history some woman can ovulate on their interval which is in danger of extinction and some can ovulate right after their length. If you are irregular next it kindly of increases your unpredictability of pregnancy due to the certainty that your period are sporatic and beside that you don't really know when you are going to ovulate. If you are regular and know when you ovulate you usually ovulate around impossible to tell apart time every month. alot of woman ovulate going on for 12-15 after their ending spell but remembering that everyone is different.

i put an rime cube into my vagina and very soon its bleeding.. what's going on?

Maybe. You ovulate roughly 14 days after the inauguration of your time. You enjoy to ovulate for the sperm to hold an egg to fertilize. However, sperm can hang up around inside of you for as long as 5 or even 7 days. Plus, it would also depend on how regular your cycle is. If your interval is irregular, you may ovulate at different intervals too. And to top it adjectives bad, babies never follow the rules. Some culture enjoy even gotten pregnant during their preiods because essentially, bodies are still pretty much a mystery. If your subsequent length is behind, go and get a pregnancy theory test but try to relax until afterwards because it's too rash to speak about in a minute.

Have any ladies here have a bump within their breast?

Some women release an egg when they are sexually exited.

Why does it hurt when we menstruate?

where u protected? If the answer is no, consequently at hand is still a uncertainty you could be pregnant, most women are at their most fertile 2weeks after their spell. but it evidently vary from woman to woman. On the other foot i am not a woman, but this is what i hold hear. anyways point is, yes you could totally all right be pregnant, its newly not as promising as if u where on earth 2 weeks after that.


yes in attendance is a casual you could find pregnant, u can take pregnant whilst your on your spell also.


There is no channel you could bring pregnant. Taking for granted 1. your menstrual cycle is 28 days and 2.it last not more than 5 days.

Myth or Fact: Women should not douche because they can create more problems and can hurt you.?

Sure, why not, if you werent using anything afterwards theres every possibility. Lets hope you want a babe

can sex bring on a missed time?

Yes, it is possible, although not probable. You other stipulation to lug contraception if you are sexually helpful and don't want to be a parent.

When is a suitable time to stop taking birth control pills?

hmmmm, probably not.,...don't frenzy aswell...

heat reckless??!!?

If you have unprotected sex at hand is every adjectives that you could be pregnant, not to mention the STD's you put yourself at risk of. If it is inwardly 72 hours of unprotected sex you can return with the Morning After Pill from your local chemist or your GP.

Kinda gross questionbuy I wanna know the answer.?

I must agree next to everyone else. Anything is possible.

My nipples are very sensitive. I enjoy be greatly tired, lower rear torment, nauseated every immediately and next.?

A women's menstrual cycle is not an exact science.

If you are trying for a child, current thinking shows that most women that own a regular 28 sunshine cycle would ovulate on the 15th daylight after the start of her term.

If you spell started on the 1st, stable 5 days and intercourse on the 8th day, next probably not.

But if your menstrual cycle is erratic, afterwards it's anyones guess.

Some pregnancy test are so accurate that it can be done 4 days previously your subsequent extent is due. Good luck and remember if have a child is not for you, and you are not pregnant. precautions!

First time going to the OBGYN, I'm freaked out, abet please?

most fertile days for ovulation is between days 12 and 14 day on eis the first day of interval sperm can servive for days when contained by your system

why do nipples leach when the breast is squoze?


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