For women is it ok after having oral... Please..?

Is it ok if it hurts to pee? LIke i can only just even pee because it hurts? Also in that be for a moment bit of blood... is it because i'm jsut starting to do this? I really don't know.. Anything would assistance.


Am i coming on? Are these signs?

You hold an infection setting in. Cranberry liquid and see a doc.

What are symptoms of a yeast infection????

Get yourself to a doctor, ho!

HELP!! I don't know whats scheduled!?

I've never hear of anyone have torment after oral sex. If it hurts to pee, it may be possible that you hold a bladder infection or possibly something worse. Better return with that checked out.

question roughly speaking nuvaring?

it osunds approaching you may own a urinary tract infection. one of the ways of getting a UTI is by have seriously of sex.

what you could do is drink like mad of wet and cranberry liquid to try to flush out as much of the microbes as economically as neutralize your urine.

but if you already enjoy blood showing you may want to see a MD so that you can be treated formerly the infection travels to your bladder, if its not nearby even so.

Is it risk-free to occupy surrounded by intercourse while in the Ocean, or would that result in some infection or problem?

It sounds close to a urinary tract or bladder infection. May be cause by oral sex (there is microbes within the mouth, which can find up into the urethra and mete out an infection) Also, bleeding after urination is clearly a sign of an infection. Go to the doctor, you will want antibiotics. P.S. If it is an infection, it wasn't necessarily cause by oral sex. As women, we ill-fatedly tend to be more prone to these types of infections. Anyway, progress right away to a doctor-you don't want it to become a kidney infection. (those REALLY suck! )

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