I was wondering could anemia be a cause of why my period haven't come yet? Its been over 2 months now.?
There are abundantly of reason you might not be getting your term. Stress, nutrition, pregnancy, sexually transmitted disease. Anemia would be toward the running out of my document. And contained by some cases that's freshly the path your body is. If it's something your really worried more or less stir to the doctor, you'll quality better after you do.
or ur not drinking...
Well what are the other possible cause?
Are you stressed out adjectives the time?
Are you a virgin or own you have sex inwardly the recent past month?
Do you hold anemia or are you guessing you own anemia?
well if the babe's first name is anemia later this might be why your time have not come.
Does this arise to anyone else? I'm really worried..?
Malnutrition can rationale woman to stop have their term so yes anemia could a motive for itif you are really worried after see a doctor and enjoy a blood assessment.
its cuased by low iron contained by ur blood..dumbass