After sex my girlfriend was bleeding?

My girl freshly get stale her time of year and douched the sunshine earlier we have sex.About 4 hours subsequently she told me she be bleeding alot and be surrounded by stomach-ache.Next afternoon she said it didnt hurt unless she be irinating.What could be wrong?


Am i predictable.?

It sounds resembling she wasnt done near her term...sometimes you guess it is done, but afterwards it comes support a few hours next......also the douch could enjoy merely irritated it more.......especially after is tender sometimes

Oh No!Not again!What enjoy I done?

You must own be getting it on REEEEEEAL GOOOOOOD! That's adjectives folks!!!!!

Not a mass problem but.?

I would progress to a doctor .

Dizziness and Loestrin 24 Fe?

it sounds approaching your chicka be a virgin no concern what she claims

nil else would really engender sense

does soy form your boobs bigger??

she might not hold be completely dome beside her time

Exams for birth control?

I agree next to the other girl...she might own be a virgin and didn't want you to know. Or if you know that she wasn't she could enjoy a infection.

I'm smelling strange things!?

Tears inside her vagina could bleed, but not a full lot.
A girls extent can come and shift, and sometimes you enjoy a light of day to be precise fine, and the subsequent light of day...its spinal column!
If its stinging affliction and not too impossible, she should not douche anymore (Forces microbes support into the girl, a bit than flushing it out and can be awfully irritating to the membranes) and see if it subsides in a daylight or two, next its probably cuts. If its a open muscle hurting, lay sour the lovin and see if she feel better after a morning or so. If its stabbing throbbing near dizziness or last more than a daylight or two, she requests to stir see a doctor because it could be an infection or worse.

Im worried?

she could possibly own cervical erosion resulting from the tip of the penis rubbing against her cervix i might be wrong give or take a few this but if she is concerned beside this she should consult her ob/gyn urgently

Birth control - shorter length?

well, first entry be she a virgin? b/c if she be later she would bleed rather after ward. but if it last for more than 3 days she should step to the doctor and especially since it hurts to urinate. And she could of thought she be done near her length but I don`t know it fixed to ending an extra hours of daylight. Also, the hurting could be from where on earth you guys have sex. some women don't produce plenty lubrication themselves and if they don't it can hurt pretty unsuccessfully after have sex. Also, if your really big that could craft it hurt bleak too. And plus douching probably isn't the best concept, b/c honestly it characteristics of give germs and microbes a fresh place to stir to. So formulate sure she know adjectives of this stuff. angelic luck!

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First of adjectives, give an account her not to douche. It's horrible for a woman's genital vigour. The other poster be right--douching does force any germs pay for into the body and increases risk of irritation and infection (despite what adjectives the lovely commercials say).
Then, don't verbs just about it too much. It's average for sex to induce bleeding right around a woman's time.
If she's surrounded by misery while urinating, she may own a bladder infection.

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