Ok so this is really embarassing...?

so I wet the bed characteristics of a lot. It mostly happen when I drink but every so often when I don't. It sucks because I can never stay anywhere minus peeing there. What I want to know is if a doctor can serve me with this problem. Like I don't own insurence so I can't afford to go if they're not going to give an account me anything ya know. And would I just be in motion to a walk surrounded by clinic or what? Please don't tell me that I inevitability to stop drinking or wear diapers...this is serious and I don't know what to do?

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Most bladder control problems happen when muscles are watered down or too active. Problems may also come to pass when nerve signals don't work properly. If the muscles that maintain your bladder closed are weak, you may own accidents when you sneeze, hoot, or lift a chunky object. This is call stress incontinence. It is the most common type of bladder control problem.
Stress incontinence regularly occurs when women are pregnant or after childbirth. The pelvic floor muscles stretch and damage in pregnancy or childbirth. The same muscles become insipid after a woman stops having period (menopause). They weaken because they no longer acquire female hormones.
Sometimes, the bladder muscles become too influential. Then you have a different problem. You may get the impression strong, sudden urges to go to the bathroom, even if your bladder have little urine. This kind of bladder problem is call urge incontinence.
Several things can cause your bladder to be too moving:
*A bladder infection.
*Nerve damage (sometimes from childbirth).
*Drinking alcohol (beer, wine, etc.).
*Some medicine.
Your treatment will depend on the type of bladder control problem you have. Some treatments are simple. Others are more complicated. Your condition care troop may suggest one of the following treatments:

Do-It-Yourself Treatments
Pelvic muscle exercises. You can learn simple exercises that can strengthen the muscles practical the urethra. These are called pelvic muscle exercises or Kegel exercises and rob only a few minutes a sunshine.

Bladder training. You can train your bladder to hold urine better. Follow a timetable to store and release urine. You can also learn to fade away the urge to urinate.

Weight loss. Sometimes extra weight cause bladder control problems. A good banquet plan and exercise program can lead to consignment loss.

Food and drink. Some drinks and foods may make urine control harder. These include foods next to caffeine (coffee, tea, cola, or chocolate) and alcohol. Your health perfectionism team can suggest how to transform your diet for better bladder control.
Muscle Therapy

Electrical stimulation. Certain devices stimulate the muscles around the urethra. This makes the muscles stronger and tighter.

Biofeedback. This take the guesswork out of pelvic muscle exercise. A therapist places a patch over the muscles. A chain connects the patch to a TV screen. You scrutinize the screen to see if you are exercising the right muscles. The psychotherapist will help you. Soon you revise to control these muscles without the patch or blind.
Medical Treatments

Medicines. Certain drugs can tighten or strengthen urethral and pelvic floor muscles. Other medicines can at ease overactive bladder muscles.

Surgery. Some bladder control problems can be solved by surgery. Many different operations can promote bladder control. The operation depends on what is causing the problem. In most cases, the surgeon change the position of the bladder and urethra. After the operation, the bladder control muscles work better. Soon, you will be able to buy unsullied products. These products help control leak. They do not cure the causes of bladder control problems.

Pessary. Your doctor can place a special device call a pessary (PESS-uh-ree) in the vagina. The device will hold up the bladder to prevent ooze.

Urethral inserts. Your doctor may give you a small device that go directly in the urethra. You can swot up to insert the device yourself. It's like a bit plug. You remove the device when it is time to go to the bathroom and after replace it until it's time to go again.

Urine seal. This is a small foam pad you place over the urethra debut. There it seals itself against your body to preserve urine from leaking. When you budge to the bathroom, you remove the pad and throw it away.
Dryness Aids

Pads or diapers. Pads or diapers abet many family. But diapers do not cure bladder control problems. See a doctor or nurse, even if diapers are working for you.

Bedside urinal. Some people use a bed container or a bedside chair urinal (YOOR-uh-nul) or commode.

Assistance. If you are disabled, condition care workers can assistance you move more easily to a toilet. Your doctor or nurse may prepare you to urinate on a schedule that prevents wet.

Renovations. Sometimes, you just obligation a carpenter to make change to your house. Perhaps you need a corridor light. Or a downstairs bathroom. Another solution could be widen a bathroom door to fit a wheelchair.
Points To Remember About Bladder Control In Women

Many women have bladder control problems.
Bladder control problems do not enjoy to be a normal cut of aging.
Many medical conditions can cause bladder problems.
Try not to agree to embarrassment going on for bladder control problems keep you from chitchat to your health vigilance team.
Most cases of poor bladder control can be superior greatly.
Ask your health vigilance team for comfort.

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There are free clinics in every city. You'll own a long wait but they do exist. Its my considerate that there are medication that help that.

Also, I'm not sure why you don't own insurance which is a whole different issue but own you applied for medicaid? If you want to discuss this, please feel free to write me.

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Don't be embarrassed. A lot of women enjoy incontinence issues, and the reasons can scale from fibroids (I had slight escape, as one of my fibroids was on my bladder) to lower back/sciatic issues. I've read that women hold smaller bladders than men, which would explain why we're always running to the ladies'!

You mention that you don't own insurance (I've been in attendance, too), so I suggest you try Medhelp.org - I recommend them a lot on here, but individual because the board is monitored by REAL doctors, and the $15 response fee is worth it for those who don't own coverage and desperately need some munificent of direction. I've used them. They can give you somewhat insight into your situation, and perhaps point you towards some free clinics in your nouns (you can probably do a google search, which is what I did when I needed to see someone and I have no insurance). Don't be ashamed of going to a clinic, either. Everyone desires a helping hand sometime.

WHATS this?

If it's really that serious, why would you read out you'll do anything but give up drinking? Which is more earth-shattering to you?

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