
i've have two laproscopies both times the've removed lesion so surrounded by the grip of it should nick aid of endometreosis it hasn't. Im on my second lupron treatment that's 12 months of menoupase yuck so what should the subsequent step be

Taking the pill?

While nearby is no proper cure for Endometriosis, in attendance are optimal treatments. Lupron, other hormonal suppression, and superficial surgical vaporization/ablation/cauteriz... of some of the implant are not among those optimal treatments. They are stop-gap measures at best and do little to treat the disease. If meticulously and truly *excised* from adjectives locations, facts shows that re-emergence is immensely, impressively low - as dead set against the typical surgery most gyns execute, contained by which nearby is over a 60% echo rate in the terribly first year. There is a object Endo specialists don't use medical suppressives, and explicitly because they don't work and come near a full host of in poor health side effects. You cannot clutch Lupron again after this second round, and you must be on Aygestin add-back very soon beside the second set of injections. That is the with the sole purpose mode surrounded by which round 2 is tolerable lower than FDA rulings. Any further treatment is not a hundred percent advise and not grounded contained by the FDA's approval. If it hasn't worked by immediately to temporarily assistance, it's not going to. You stipulation to see a specialist - check out the following links for info on true specialists and what they are doing to effectively backing their patients:


Good luck.

how do ya stop those damn NIGHT SWEATS?

Since the end in of endometriosis remains unknown, a treatment which fully cures endometriosis have even so to be developed, and here is no overwhelming medical evidence to support one specific type of endometriosis treatment over another.

Home treatment may mitigate the aching and discomfort of endometriosis. You can supplement your medical treatment plan near one or more of the following measures.

Take an anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) such as ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) on a regular rota. Check next to your form professional since using a nonprescription medication for more than a few days. (If here is a unsystematic that you are or could soon become pregnant, do not use an NSAID. NSAIDs hold be related to increased miscarriage risk, especially when used at the time of conception and when an NSAID is used for longer than a week.
Start taking the recommended dose as soon as your discomfort begin or the morning in the past your menstrual time of year is planned to start.
Take the prescription contained by regularly planned doses. Taking the drug just when your discomfort is “really bad” is not as potent.
If one type of NSAID does not relieve your anguish, try another type. Or try acetaminophen, such as Tylenol.
Apply bake to your lower belly near a heat wad or hot wet bottle, or help yourself to a melt hip bath. Heat improve blood flow and may relieve pelvic strain.
Lie down and elevate your legs by placing a pillow lower than your knees. When lying on your side, bring your knees up to your chest to relieve rear pressure.
Use relaxation technique and biofeedback. For more information, see the topic Stress Management.
Exercise regularly. It improve blood flow, increases sure pain-relieving substances easily made by the body (endorphins), and reduce niggle.

I get it wrong/period due 6th and estimate im pregnent?

I too suffer from Endometriosis. I hold have 3 lap done and after my second nouns I did 6 months of Lupron and afterwards switched over to the depo shot every 3 months. I haven't have any problems w/ the switch and own be stomach-ache free for more or less a year in a minute.

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