My sis said she hasn't poop'd contained by a while so she get depositories today.?

When I asked her what thy are/do she said nothin and walk'd away. Does anyone here know what thy are? what thy do?

Answers:    suppositories are stuck in the rectum and enjoy a medicine contained by them that stimulates the bowel to finally pass...usually inside a few minutes of taking it...and it is uncomfortable a short time (crampy) but can definitely relieve someone to be precise backed up...
You don't requirement to know that. Respect other people's privacy. Thanks for sharing.
LOL.. depositories? You mean suppositories? You put one surrounded by your tush, and if you are constipated, then it help you to go. The word is suppository, I guess it depends on what helpful she got.
She desires to drink lots of water and get through an apple a day and she should be right. I think they are laxatives
The word is suppositories and they are inserted into the rectum contained by order to loosen any stools that are nearby They're called suppositories, and they are inserted surrounded by the rectum.
yes my little brother gets constapated alot so my mom have to use them there close to these weird little skinny tube approaching things made up of like some sort of lub within like greasy and they helpu so u can pilfer a poopy lol u have 2 put them up ure u know what gross huh lol its enthusiasm! Suppositories. not depositories!

It is a way of putting medication into the body thru the anus or vagina. Looks resembling your sister got herself a glycerin suppository which act like a laxative.

No big business deal.
they just relieve u to be able to dance poo. that's all. she is probably feeling shame. drink plenty of water, munch through a healthy diet & be stirring those are the best ways to relieve/prevent constipated. Go on a walk, waddle around the house... to get the bowels movin'.
Tell her subsequent time to use an Enema. Works faster

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