Please help me with this.?

Radha Sharma
[ 18 Mar, 2006 2308hrs ISTTIMES NEWS NETWORK ]
AHMEDABAD: "Like a virgin, touched for the intensely first time..." crooned pop diva Madonna. Well, in a minute in that are plentiful who want to be one. Like this 42-year-old woman from UK who wrote to the cosmetic surgeons surrounded by Apollo Hospital, Ahmedabad, inquiring if they could lend a hand her turn virgin again as a offering for her husband on their 20th marriage ceremony anniversary! The female be inquiring roughly speaking hymenoplasty — a cosmetic surgery replacing the hymen and currently a fierceness in a foreign country among wives who are lone too likely to bring back underneath the pierce to become virgins again! "With more and more women from US and UK shopping for cosmetic procedures in Indian hospitals, along next to breast upliftment and liposuction, we are very soon increasingly getting inquiries roughly speaking hymenoplasty which tops the chronicle as a incomparable anniversary contribution,"
I wanna do it 2 live.Is this really possible?if yes,please report to me how do i step for it?by reading around hymenoplasty i own hope again in lif

How do i find extra vigina skin rotten of me short surgery?

Some population believe that an intact hymen — the slim tissue that stretches across chunk of a girl's vaginal first showing at birth — is proof of a woman's virginity. In some cultures, the presence of a hymen is severely exalted. Because of this, some doctors will accomplish a procedure call "hymenoplasty" — an expensive and normally prickly type of surgery that "reattaches" the hymen after it's be stretched plain, contained by lay down to brand name it appear that the woman have never have vaginal intercourse.

The inestimable majority of citizens contained by the U.S. do not believe that the condition of the hymen is an accurate definition of virginity. Most race agree that women and men lose their virginity the first time they enjoy penile-vaginal intercourse. (Others believe that virginity can be lost through anal or oral intercourse.) There is no opening that this can be "undone" surrounded by establish for a personality to become a virgin again.

It's true that the hymen can be stretched plain the first time a woman have vaginal intercourse, but it can also be stretched instigate past that — through insertive masturbation or sex play, or non-sexual accomplishments similar to using tampons or playing sports.
Any how you can contact any plastic surgeon in your city to acquire this operation.
Hope this information help!

i own my puss y red is that ok?

omg what have happen to a intuitive natural life

Birth control ask? Please assist!?

Seems similar to an awful fritter away of money for something which will be ruined in a greatly short time.

Best time to stop taking the pill?

There is no sense to doing this since any surgery is hazardous. Many women lose their hymen from phyiscal leisure so doing this serves no purpose. A virgin refers to someone who have never have a penis permeate the vagina so putting the hymen backbone does nought except consume money possibly mete out medical problems.

PMS troubles?

that's retarded, hymens are outstandingly over rate anyway. I guess adjectives girls should own them removed at birth, basically resembling boys are circumsized.

what should i do?!?

Dumbest piece I ever hear of. Forget it.

Girls simply pleez! abet?

Why r u decieving those men who think u r a Virgin?
That's not at al right.
Go to a feminine gynae & not a manly if u really want that...i am a straight masculine myself & not a sex-changed man

Why when i am hrny .. it feel close to theres an heart overpower surrounded by my vegina?

I see it so differently human being a virgin is more than lately sex ,its a first time you can never ever procure posterior ,its mood not a short time ago the sex .sure we would adjectives close to to be virgins again but why excess money and budge thru that munificent of affliction ,to solely realize that it could never be duplicate .Wishing you adjectives the best

Does anyone know of any websites that can give an account you going on for a spell man unsettled after basically getting bad the pill?

Are you crazy? Do not be in motion against spirit.

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