Does a surrogate mother have to take fertility drugs?

This may appear approaching a dumb cross-question since the surrogate isn't using her own egg, but I thought I would ask anyhow.

What can be done in the order of excessive bleeding during menstruation?

I believe so. Your Uterine Lining have to be at a enduring concentration to be implanted beside an embryo, so they would hand over an injectable medication to variety sure the surrogate could run into that requirement. If the surrogate be using her own eggs, she may or may not be put on drugs to enhance ovulation. I'd read out it depends on the doctor.

How soon can I find out if Im pregnant after intercourse?

I judge they bequeath the mother of the egg and the surrogate something to take their menstrual cycles on impossible to tell apart page. Otherwise you wouldnt be considered for a surrogate if you couldnt get hold of pregnant or have fertility problems.

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