What is wrong next to me?

I just not long got over this cold/flu that i have. my nose is still runny and this morning i threw up. Im on birth control and I have my period later week so i know im not prego. do u think this cold/flu could be coming wager on?/

Answers:    if other p around you have it consequently you can be infected over and over agian i sould know about 2 yrs. ago my undamaged fam. got double australain not sure how to spell phamonai it be brutal we didnt get over it for 4 mons. perfect luck!!
You could have a cold or flu or an upper respiratory infection. They hold a while to fully go away. You could be throwing up from the nasal drainage into your stomach. I know that make me sick sometimes. I was really sick ending year and it started with bronchitis which took a solid 6-8 months to completely dance away.

You could also have a stomach flu or hold eaten something doomed to failure. If you continue to vomit progress see a doctor. But if it's just after lay down and having nasal drainage or something and it go away you're probably ok.

Cold/flu at this time of year are pretty miserable and often help yourself to a while to really get better, even if you start to touch better it's usually still in your system and can relapse vastly easily if you don't grant your body enough time to fully rest.
Sounds like an feeble fashiond flu .. I think its flu season, a few family from my house are getting it.. yaaa it coule be.. or maybe u ar ejus upset. look at wht u get through.

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