Strange side effects or just paranoid?

I stopped smoking over a week ago which Im really pleased almost, but this week I cant facilitate but grain that my stomach have trippled contained by size and gone adjectives wobbly!
I constantly perceive bloated and merely reflect I look hurrendous!
This is a really girly issue but I really dont want to put bulk on, I ve not really eat much differently to when I did smoke!
Can your stomach bloat as a side effect?
Whats happenening to me?

Lost Tampon!!!?

paranoid.... my dad stopped smoking and ate more afterwards get a bit chubbier, but if you say aloud you're ingestion roughly like peas in a pod as you did back it could only be paranoia

Congratulations for stopping smoking, hold up the correct work, no situation how frozen it get!


Hi - this is really atypical, to be honest lol! I quit on NY year and havent have this occur. Could be gas, or could be bloating from unconsciously ingestion comfort foods?? xx

Hi i be wandering how to hang on to from sweating down nearby if i wear a wad?

Hun you don't enjoy any side effects after you stop smoking, however some ethnic group do gain some solidity, but i don't believe it's cause your bloating. try some exercises, conceivably walking

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