Help? Confused?

I am nursing so no period but! I have be getting pregnancy symptoms for a week now. I took a testing on monday and it said negitive, but later have a white line, by the subsequent morning was a lightheaded pink line. So I wait till this morning with a more expensive theory test, the test said zilch again, but in 4 hours had a slight faint blue rank half passageway down. I know about evoprated lines, but I just know them to be white or indented, not any color. Also, if I have pregnancy symptoms for a week now, and the examination monday detect a little, don't you infer that todays test would of come out postive right away? What do you think?

~Thank you~

Will i enjoy sex soon?

well todays test are a lot more modern so they usually come up within 10 minutes or less. still, dance to an OB/GYN and get checked out. doctors are more accurate anyway. it could hold come out messed up because you are nursing and still haven't started your period. you aren't put money on on a regular cycle yet, so it could only be your body trying to get put money on on track, especially if this was your first pregnancy.

congratulations!! im hoping for the best.

More information plz!?

I'm not adjectives that informed on pregancy tests but my first two suggestions would be to check next to the manufactures directions, or conceivably a website of information whether the tests are accurate if you are nursing, as you will hold hormones in your body someone not pregnant and not nursing would not hold. Also, you will want to check with how the indication smudge changes over time, if it's a sign of it picking up small traces or hormones, or a short time ago that it has run its course and is showing up for another aim. Lastly, you could call your doctor and ask proposal, maybe he/she can recommend and over the counter one, or enjoy you come in for a more accurate experiment.

I hope that helps.

Mastorbation made you hold less low love for your wife when you married is this true,,,,,,,?

Any pregnancy test can show up positive and be wrong. Read the inside directions regularly times they say after ten minutes the question paper will turn pos whether u r prego or not, it has something to do w the urine sitting to long. Good Luck

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