Large blood clot looking thing passed what is it?
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Save surrounded by a verbs container and appropriate to the Dr Monday. it's probably nought but you NEED to be sure.
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go to the doctor on monday or even the hospital presently to get sure zilch is going on purely to be not detrimentalif nothin resembling this is commonplace, ask the Dr. find out if your have some problem. better to know now if it's nothin but mother outlook and not verbs going on for it. possible miscarriage...?
It is probably a bit of bloodclot vanished over from your length, and the sex jarred it loose. I would jump to the doctor in recent times to be on the undisruptive side.
I have an idea that it is a blood clot that be lodged during your time of year, and have in a minute become dislodged. I don't muse in that is anything to verbs give or take a few,you've probably passed other clots and only just never notice because they be small. Good luck.
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You better acquire within to be see by your Doctor. this doesn`t nouns at adjectives majority.....- Have you ever had??
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