What could my symptoms be?

i enjoy a REALLY sore back
sore breasts
ive be throwing up resembling every other light of day when i wake up up
its firm to get through some things cuz i grain close to im gunna obtain sick
my body feel approaching i a short time ago run a ambitious even tho i havnt done much of anything
mood swings

umm idk thats only some of the few things that i discern approaching are different right now

i kno alot of ancestors are gunna vote im pregnant and i be worried too but i have my time of year later wk and ive have sex one time since next but i really doubt that is to say it

Women, ladies, any femaleplease serve?

Hmmm....all right, I have my length the first month I be pregnant, so you REALLY call for to bring back a try-out done.

It could be the flu or it could be pregnancy, but any opening you should see a doctor and achieve yourself looked at.

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Should probably gain checked out by a dr

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Take a pregnancy tryout! Either road you should see a doctor. You may enjoy a UTI (urinary tract infection) or a Kidney infection. They can cause you quality tired and adjectives the other things you mentioned too.

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No one here can possibly substitute for qualified medical suggestion. And you first enjoy to be examined for a doctor to competent to lend a hand you.


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Ive have duplicate entry and to be honest it could be your nerves or stress but i would afford it a couple of weeks and still purloin a preg. audition

Can u own sex next to you girl while on her time of year ?

To answer your press "What could my symptoms be?", they are only that -- symptoms. There's zilch you've said that scream out anything fixed. Be sure not ask for a diagnosis because you cannot take one online. No reputable medical doctor will do this and you don't want a "diagnosis" from an amateur, do you? See your doctor for evaluation. You deserve to discern better.

whats wrong?

This exact same entity happen to me when I quit taking my birth control pills. And everyone thought I be pregnant (which i wasn't), but that was exactly what the symptoms be close to. If you rob birth control, or enjoy only just stopped taking it.. you could rob that into consideration. Otherwise, it may be the flu, an infection, or more specifically an infection of your womanly parts. If you own a cyst or an internal infection, it may impose your hormones to be in motion adjectives loopy. Check it out at a free clinic.

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You call for to turn to the doctor. Just because you started your time of year doesn't show you couldn't be pregnant. You hold profoundly of pregnancy symptoms. You can still be pregnant while your one your time. I would rob a trial, and turn to the doctor.

Could I be pregnant?

your probably pregnate!! and plus you have sex right after your extent which is the matchless haphazard of getting pregnate

Possibly Pregnant?

You can hold a time of year when you are pregnant, unusual, but happen. And as expected, you can carry pregnant from purely have sex once, again unlikely like you say aloud, but can begin.

It sounds resembling you body's hormones are sour if you aren't pregnant. And possibly along beside that you own the flu. See you doctor

My girlfriend have a big problem beside her belly button.?

hi your guardian angel,
i a short time ago want you to know that when i become pregnant i have a extent for the 1st 3 months.
budge to your doctor immediately, do not pass by travel, do not collect $200.00.

Missed spell?

get checked by a dr.

There are occasional instances where on earth women are pregnant and still own a lighting length.

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